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Deep Fried Twinkies



Deep Fried Twinkies | 3 September, 2002

It's the latest rage at the California State Fair.

A double dose of sugar rush and cholesterol.

Get 'em fresh outta the fryer, ummmmmm goood!!!!!

for those of you wanting to do a home version - be sure that your fryer grease is at least 375 F, and enjoy- 'tis truly good eatin', y'all

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 3 September, 2002

And we though macaroni and cheese and a stick was new??!!

Everything at the Minnesota state fair is on a stick. I bet these twinkies would be good on a stick?????

Tenison Stone Telex Communications

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

yup, I can see the advantage of a stick - you can get the pastry delight still sizzlin from the fryer and be able to hold on for a fast grazing - followed by a quick guzzle of yer favorite Starbucks brew

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

And People wonder why 50%+ of americans are Obese. Take a fat cake filled with cholesterol and fry it in more fat and cholesterol... ... Wait, Wait I got it, its the next big rage "Heart-Attack-on-a-Stick" ya, thats it! Instead of those spiffy red yellow and blue hats they could wear one with a red cross. (I should be in advertising!)

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

I don't know about what Melo Guy said, but it sounds pretty damn tasty to me. You can spend the rest of you life worrying about what is going to make you fat and kill you some how or another. I say screw it! Bring on the fried twinkies,brew ha ha's,pickled pigs feet,bear claws, bacon and eggs,Hennesy,those big sausage sandwitches they sell at the fairs,big ol' fat smelly cigars......And all those other wonderful things in life that make me happy :D

By the way I am in perfect health, and I'm not fat.... Perhaps something can be said about moderation.(Except when it comes to Hennesey and cigars LOL !)

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

I don't know about what Melo Guy said, but it sounds pretty damn tasty to me. You can spend the rest of you life worrying about what is going to make you fat and kill you some how or another. I say screw it! Bring on the fried twinkies,brew ha ha's,pickled pigs feet,bear claws, bacon and eggs,Hennesy,those big sausage sandwitches they sell at the fairs,big ol' fat smelly cigars......And all those other wonderful things in life that make me happy :D

By the way I am in perfect health, and I'm not fat.... Perhaps something can be said about moderation.(Except when it comes to Hennesey and cigars LOL !)

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

I know what you mean about the things in life that make you happy. It is just funny to me how they can always come out with something more fattening. I am perfectly healthy and have very little fat, but i worry about high blood pressure in the future. I am still pretty young and cholesterol problems run in my family. I bet it is pretty tasty tho. I have a weakness for ice cream and little debbie oatmeal pies (you know the 2 oatmeal cookies with a white paste inside similar to crisco and a cup of sugar.)*maybe they should fry up one of those* but hey your body needs that stuff "its good for you". to quote homer simpson on jelly donuts "purple is a fruit!"

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

This is small fry, you guys need to get yourselves to Scotland and try a deep fried pizza... or maybe a Mars bar... mmmm yummy.

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 4 September, 2002

I guess I can figure out what the next posting will be...."My Components do not soldering"

Further analysis determins....Twinkie Goo and and all of it elements are not good for hi yield production. Someone needed to add technical content.

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 5 September, 2002

Cal- I am so ass-hamed for getting right to the end user stuff and forgetting about the process parameters. You are so right in pointing out the obvious lack of technical data.

The raw materials include Hostess Twinkies, frying oil or grease and powdered sugar (or other favorite sprinkles) A deluxe version would include 2 deep fried Twinkies ala mode (home made vanilla ice cream), drizzled with Grand Marnier.

You may want to include clone Twinkies on the AVL, depending on the outcome of an approved engineering study and of course, endorsement by QA, that the finished product meets your exacting standards.

Equipment spec.s vary, depending on the factory capital equipment needs. A simple pot of oil, on your kitchen stove, set to medium high will be sufficient. A candy thermometer placed in the oil to monitor and maintain a temperature of 375 F would be a good suggestion. Dwell time of the Twinkie is approximately 15-30 secs., depending on the appropriate crispyness and golden brown color to be achieved. Please refer to your marketing spec as a guideline. I understand that the IPC is considering a committee to create a uniform standard. Said committee will be convening at local, County and State Fairs, beginning in 2003. Expect a guideline standard to be released prior to the 2004 fair season.

I can foresee Dairy Queen adding this concoction to their menu in the very near future. I am not aware of any patent rights, I believe it is in the public domain already.

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Deep Fried Twinkies | 5 September, 2002

Where can i get some samples for "Testing" purposes? I'd like to put them on my AVL. I need to do Extensive designing...

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