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Reflow Profiling



Reflow Profiling | 11 July, 2000

Looking for some welcome advise again folks. We are currently using a reflow profiling software package which requires passing a data logging unit through the oven attached via thermocouples to a populated 'dummy' PCB. The problem is we have a very high product mix and require a 'dummy' PCB for all products, operators being operators are destroying the 'gold' boards quicker than I can replace them etc etc. I am looking at a new system called (WinKic) Prophet, has anyone got any info on this system and will it cure all my problems.

Thanks in advance.

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Deborah Troxell


Re: Reflow Profiling | 11 July, 2000

We use the Slimkic for our oven porfiles and run a very high product mix too. My first question is do you use the same progam for all your boards or do you run different temptures profiles for each module? How are the gold boards getting destroyed? We current run 8 different ovens and use the winkic on all eight. We have optimized our porfiles so that the same one works for all our boards and only the width changes. Do you run double sided reflow our glue? We currently use both. If you would like to discuss this please let me know. We did use the prophet at one time and it is good for showing you what the board is seeing at all times. we may be able to fix the problem and save the money.

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Re: Reflow Profiling | 11 July, 2000


I looked at the winkic & profit software and tool's a while ago along with some of the alternatives. No matter what anyone tell's you in the 1st instance you do still need a profile card as what you are doing is comparing the known good profile to taht oven check that your profit or winkic system is telling you. We run 10 ovens in the building I'm in and another 10 in the next building, we worked out that to have each board profiled on every oven was something like 8000+ profiles!!..a lot of man hours. The profit / slim kic system cailm's to let you jump between ovens and to an extent it does. have to maintain the ovens so that while the system is 'learning??' the oven it's alway's the same. So depending on your ovens and I have a load from one vendor that I can't keep in total calibration with themselves never mind others you still have a problem. The other this to remember is that the profit is a simulation or prediction of the oven, from recolection it doesen't give you a true board temp but what the heat around the ooven is which is different so there is a learning curve to go through on that. It also has no real idea about the thermal mass on your cards so how do you know about specific components such as BGA's CSP's or tant's??..what about polyester they are a reall hassle... Guess what I'm saying is that it's all right but I wouldn't be buying it, in fact i didn't. ther are better and can also do wave solder as well but kic wasn't my 1st or 2nd choice. Drop me a mail if you wanna talk more.


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Re: Reflow Profiling | 13 July, 2000


I totally agree with you on all your above comments. You obviously have a real grasp of your subject, and are very knowledgeable. My colleague and I would like to take this opportunity to request information on personnel ' training' aspects required to carry out reflow profiling on a technical level. Look forward to hearing your views on this matter. T.

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ICT Total SMT line Provider

Reflow Oven