Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

SMT electronics assembly manufacturing forum.

Fond Farwell II

Earl Moon


Fond Farwell II | 14 April, 1999

OK, this is it. This is the reason, root cause, and all that other technical stuff. Only thing is, it ain't technical.

1) I hate registering for anything 2) I hate being cooped up 3) I want freedom 4) This ain't no 60's thing 5) I'm not angry or being negative 6) I'm lazy and hate filling out forms 7) I get more from you all than I give anyway 8) I went through Surface Mount International and saw its failings (rape and pillage - not a reflection on you Cunli) 9) I have an option with IPC 10) I wish Cunli well but think he has made a mistake (opinion) 11) I don't know what else to say but the following:

Dave, Jeff, Wayne, Scott, Steve, Nancy (I want to know you better - at last a woman on the forum and do you like Mexico?), Justin (my favorite young technocrat), B.K., so many more, and all the rest of the most informed, best educated, highly experienced crew ever - thanks and catch me on the IPC thing as long as it's free.

Moonman signing off!

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Re: Fond Farwell II | 14 April, 1999

| OK, this is it. This is the reason, root cause, and all that other technical stuff. Only thing is, it ain't technical. | | 1) I hate registering for anything | 2) I hate being cooped up | 3) I want freedom | 4) This ain't no 60's thing | 5) I'm not angry or being negative | 6) I'm lazy and hate filling out forms | 7) I get more from you all than I give anyway | 8) I went through Surface Mount International and saw its failings (rape and pillage - not a reflection on you Cunli) | 9) I have an option with IPC | 10) I wish Cunli well but think he has made a mistake (opinion) | 11) I don't know what else to say but the following: | | Dave, Jeff, Wayne, Scott, Steve, Nancy (I want to know you better - at last a woman on the forum and do you like Mexico?), Justin (my favorite young technocrat), B.K., so many more, and all the rest of the most informed, best educated, highly experienced crew ever - thanks and catch me on the IPC thing as long as it's free. | | Moonman signing off! | Hey Moonbert: Watch it!!! Our bud Chrys has alway been there for anyone that stubbed their toe on their wave solder machine and more. TTYL Dave F

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Re: Fond Farwell II | 15 April, 1999

| | OK, this is it. This is the reason, root cause, and all that other technical stuff. Only thing is, it ain't technical. | | | | 1) I hate registering for anything | | 2) I hate being cooped up | | 3) I want freedom | | 4) This ain't no 60's thing | | 5) I'm not angry or being negative | | 6) I'm lazy and hate filling out forms | | 7) I get more from you all than I give anyway | | 8) I went through Surface Mount International and saw its failings (rape and pillage - not a reflection on you Cunli) | | 9) I have an option with IPC | | 10) I wish Cunli well but think he has made a mistake (opinion) | | 11) I don't know what else to say but the following: | | | | Dave, Jeff, Wayne, Scott, Steve, Nancy (I want to know you better - at last a woman on the forum and do you like Mexico?), Justin (my favorite young technocrat), B.K., so many more, and all the rest of the most informed, best educated, highly experienced crew ever - thanks and catch me on the IPC thing as long as it's free. | | | | Moonman signing off! | | | Hey Moonbert: Watch it!!! Our bud Chrys has alway been there for anyone that stubbed their toe on their wave solder machine and more. TTYL Dave F | | Dave,

Thanks for the nice endorsement. Sorry I haven't been on much lately - we're going crazy around here with the move to Florida coming up next month.


You presence in our forum will be sorely missed. I personally don't mind registering for the 'net, but I respect your opinion not to do it. I'm just quietly hoping (okay, publicly hoping) you will miss us as much as we will miss you and perhaps reconsider in the future.


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Nancy V


Re: Fond Farwell II | 15 April, 1999

You got me curious. Why are you asking if I like Mexico?


| OK, this is it. This is the reason, root cause, and all that other technical stuff. Only thing is, it ain't technical. | | 1) I hate registering for anything | 2) I hate being cooped up | 3) I want freedom | 4) This ain't no 60's thing | 5) I'm not angry or being negative | 6) I'm lazy and hate filling out forms | 7) I get more from you all than I give anyway | 8) I went through Surface Mount International and saw its failings (rape and pillage - not a reflection on you Cunli) | 9) I have an option with IPC | 10) I wish Cunli well but think he has made a mistake (opinion) | 11) I don't know what else to say but the following: | | Dave, Jeff, Wayne, Scott, Steve, Nancy (I want to know you better - at last a woman on the forum and do you like Mexico?), Justin (my favorite young technocrat), B.K., so many more, and all the rest of the most informed, best educated, highly experienced crew ever - thanks and catch me on the IPC thing as long as it's free. | | Moonman signing off! | |

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Jeff Sanchez


Re: Fond Farwell II , Let me get this straight? | 15 April, 1999

| OK, this is it. This is the reason, root cause, and all that other technical stuff. Only thing is, it ain't technical. | | 1) I hate registering for anything | 2) I hate being cooped up | 3) I want freedom | 4) This ain't no 60's thing | 5) I'm not angry or being negative | 6) I'm lazy and hate filling out forms | 7) I get more from you all than I give anyway | 8) I went through Surface Mount International and saw its failings (rape and pillage - not a reflection on you Cunli) | 9) I have an option with IPC | 10) I wish Cunli well but think he has made a mistake (opinion) | 11) I don't know what else to say but the following: | | Dave, Jeff, Wayne, Scott, Steve, Nancy (I want to know you better - at last a woman on the forum and do you like Mexico?), Justin (my favorite young technocrat), B.K., so many more, and all the rest of the most informed, best educated, highly experienced crew ever - thanks and catch me on the IPC thing as long as it's free. | | Moonman signing off! | | Okay, so if Nancy goes to Mexico with you You might find it in ya to stick around? lol........I think that's what I got?

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Steve Gregory


Re: Fond Farwell II | 18 April, 1999

Yeah Earl, I hear ya...

I registered, but did so rather grudgingly. Ya'll must've noticed that I haven't been here much lately. I really haven't thought much about why, but maybe it's been a subconscious it's too much work to go here anymore. I read the Brian Ellis thing above us here, and I gotta say, sounds to me like an over-reaction. I've not been spammed by anyone, or solicited to buy so much as a roll of solderwick, but I did have some questions about some of the things I was asked when I did register.

Cunli, I believe your intentions were good, and I honestly don't think your intentions are to take advantage of anyone here, but it does get a little deep when with all the questions when you register...does ake you ask yourself why all the questions. We're all more than just a little sensitive about "Big Brother"...

The technet does have the one big thing that I hate, it's that damn confirmation thing! Depending on Net traffic, you might not get your confirmation message for hours! Pisses me off! But on the same hand, it does keep spam offa the list, and you're not constantly bombarded by advertisements. Nobody better ever post something on the TechNet even REMOTELY smelling of a sales pitch or they'll get flamed to ashes!

I know that the SMTNET is a business, and when anybody is in business the goal is to make money. This WEB site doesn't take money out of my pocket or any of the posters that come to this site, but you do get sick of the constant sales pitches that stay on your 'pooter screen the whole time your here.

The good things I like about this site is that I can post images here, I know some of them have had nothing to do with printed circuits or assembly, but I like the fact that I can. Can't do that on the TechNet...or even send attachments. I just bought me a bitchin' digital camera and maybe I can put it to good use sometime soon. Another thing I like about the site is all the "regular experts" that are here, but that number seems to be dwindling for some reason, I can't tell you why other than what I've already expressed...

Need to do something about that Cunli...think about it.

-Steve Gregory-

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Steve Gregory


Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing) | 18 April, 1999

Just to further explain myself a bit, and why I hate being bombarded by advertisements, is because I think others (sales and marketing people) are trying to manipulate me.

Why do I think that?

Say if you have 5 pick and place salesmen, 1 from Fuji, 1 from Panasonic, 1 from Siemens, 1 from Universal, and 1 from Zevatech, which one will say that one of the other vendors equipment is better than theirs? Will any of them? Of course not! You can't get a straight answer from any of them!

As another example; this Lead Free bullshit, it all started with the noble purpose of saving the planet from the toxics of lead. Double bullshit! If anyone wants to look at the actual figures of our industry's lead consumption, it's a fraction of a percent! If we were all to stop using lead this very minute, it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the worlds lead pollution or health problems.

So why the big push?

It's very simple, somebody stands to make a TON of money, or some politician has some industry lobbyist camping on his doorstep, or in his pocket convincing him that if he passes some idiotic legislation that he'll be the savior of the planet, all the while the politician doesn't have a clue about the technical aspects of what he's being bribed to do, he just knows that lead is harmful which any 12-year old child knows. Meanwhile the lobbyist (more than likely is connected to some company) is salivating about all the money he's going to be making if this legislation passes.

Maybe my views are a little on the radical side, but I'm not the only one that shares my view. There's people a lot smarter than I am that will publically state that the push to go lead free is premature and without any real merit...they'll say privately the same thing I'm saying...they've just got more tact than I do, and much more at risk than I do, I'm just a process engineer.

I don't have a problem with alternative PCB finishes, but don't mess with my solder paste or my bar solder for my wave.

Why I ranted on about this is because I believe that it's all money driven, which connects to sales and marketing, which connects to "in your face" advertising, which connects to forced registration, which connects to why this list is losing good contributors...nuff said!

-Steve Gregory-

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Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing) | 19 April, 1999


Like you, I am sick, sick, sick of marketing. I can't go on the Internet, to a ball game or my local 7-11 without being bombarded with marketing. 7-11? Would you belive I went there to buy a Sunday paper yesterday and now they have a 27" monitor mounted above the checkout spewing video advertisements. Give me a rest!! And get this. Local school districts here are considering allowing advertising on the school stadium walls and fences. All in the name of money. Never mind that the kids are already overloaded with marketing. School can't be a safe haven anymore? Fortunately, there appears to be significant public opposition to it. But where does it end? I also registered on SMTNet, but reluctantly. Kind of felt my arm was being twisted - I enjoy the forum and didn't want to give up the technical dialogs. But there was that ominous message - register or you can no longer post.

Stop the world, I want to get off.


| Just to further explain myself a bit, and why I hate being bombarded by advertisements, is because I think others (sales and marketing people) are trying to manipulate me. | | Why do I think that? | | Say if you have 5 pick and place salesmen, 1 from Fuji, 1 from Panasonic, 1 from Siemens, 1 from Universal, and 1 from Zevatech, which one will say that one of the other vendors equipment is better than theirs? Will any of them? Of course not! You can't get a straight answer from any of them! | | As another example; this Lead Free bullshit, it all started with the noble purpose of saving the planet from the toxics of lead. Double bullshit! If anyone wants to look at the actual figures of our industry's lead consumption, it's a fraction of a percent! If we were all to stop using lead this very minute, it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the worlds lead pollution or health problems. | | So why the big push? | | It's very simple, somebody stands to make a TON of money, or some politician has some industry lobbyist camping on his doorstep, or in his pocket convincing him that if he passes some idiotic legislation that he'll be the savior of the planet, all the while the politician doesn't have a clue about the technical aspects of what he's being bribed to do, he just knows that lead is harmful which any 12-year old child knows. Meanwhile the lobbyist (more than likely is connected to some company) is salivating about all the money he's going to be making if this legislation passes. | | Maybe my views are a little on the radical side, but I'm not the only one that shares my view. There's people a lot smarter than I am that will publically state that the push to go lead free is premature and without any real merit...they'll say privately the same thing I'm saying...they've just got more tact than I do, and much more at risk than I do, I'm just a process engineer. | | I don't have a problem with alternative PCB finishes, but don't mess with my solder paste or my bar solder for my wave. | | Why I ranted on about this is because I believe that it's all money driven, which connects to sales and marketing, which connects to "in your face" advertising, which connects to forced registration, which connects to why this list is losing good contributors...nuff said! | | -Steve Gregory- |

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