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Packing material, the right track ?


Packing material, the right track ? | 23 August, 2001


is there somebody out there who can bring on the right track according adequate materials for long term storage of assembled boards (at least 10 years)? It�s for spare parts for future service exchange. The units should be stored seperately and ready for shipment without any extra packaging action in case of a demand. I know, that�s something that comes after assembly but just now very important to us.

Thanks Wolfgang

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Michael Parker


Packing material, the right track ? | 23 August, 2001

Have you considered vacuum package in ESD bags, just like the way the IC's are packaged? What about conformal coating for the units being stored? 10 years is a long time for End of Service life of a product. You may need to get accelerated life testing done on packaged units.

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Packing material, the right track ? | 23 August, 2001

Standard ESD bags aren't a vapor barrier, though, are they? Maybe you can get them spec'd that way, I dunno.

You might have to get poly/foil bags and heat seal 'em. Fill 'em with nitrogen first, then suck most of it back out just for insurance. Don't know if they last 10 years, though. We used to do that with medical devices, but they were bio-resorbable and had a 6 month shelf life, so we only validated the packaging for 8 months or something.

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Packing material, the right track ? | 23 August, 2001

Every thing you need is in "links" here The only thing you need to do now is find it. Ah, so much information, so little time.

Yeh yeh yeh, nice little ESD bags are good. Er, maybe sealed barrier bags might be better. Er, should they be filled with an inert gas before sealing? Part number on the outside of the bag? [How we doing the label, so the adhesive still 'sives after low those many days of the label trying to rip itself from the bag? Is the ink going to last?] May be to a thing like packaging moisture sensitive components J-STD-033 wuzzinit?

A couple inches of foam sounds good, no peanuts and little POS like that. Part number on the outside of the foam? [How we doing the label, so the adhesive still 'sives after low those many days of the label trying to rip itself from the foam?]

Sealing [will the glue hold-up?] that whole melange in a non-sulfuritic box with a bar code label on the out-side? Sounds good to me.

Then we'll pack those things into a environmentally controlled space with a beer cooler and we're there, eh? You take mornings, we'll do lunch together, and I'll do afternoons. Evenins, evenins, we judge the backstroke races down the bar at Jimbo's.

�Fundamentals of Packaging Technology� Walter Soroka CPP, IoPPress. 2 Ed, 1998 �Handbook of Package Engineering� Joseph F. Hanlon with Robert J. Kelsey CPP and Hallie E. Forcinio, Technomic Publishing Company, 3 Ed, 1998

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Steven Evers


Packing material, the right track ? | 25 July, 2002

Long term storage requires the right combination of properties. ESD anti-corrosion, archival, etc. We specialize in end-of-life storage and long term preservation of electronics and micro-electronics. Feel free to contact me and check out our new website at

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