SMT & PCB Parts

SMT Equipment & PCB Assembly Machines RFQ

Describe what SMT machine or parts you are looking for and SMTnet will send your inquiry to Power Traders!

Are you looking for SMT Equipment or Parts for PCB Assembly Machines?

Send an Instant RFQ to SMT Equipment Dealers

Describe what SMT machine or parts you are looking for and SMTnet will send your inquiry to equipment sellers.

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Your Name:*

Your Email:*


What type of product are you looking for? *
For example: machine, parts for machines, supplies, components, etc"

Location where the item should be shipped to:*

List Manufacturer & Part Numbers that you seek*

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is the Instant RFQ?
  • When you're looking to purchase SMT machines or equipment parts, the SMTnet Instant RFQ is a tool to acquire offers from vendors around the world. Just specify your requirements in the form on the left side and SMTnet will distribute your inquiry.
  • Who will receive my Instant RFQ inquiry?
  • Your inquiry will be send only to equipment dealers subscribed to the SMTnet Marketplace RFQ mailing list.
  • I am an equipment dealer, how can I receive RFQ inquiries?
  • If you are equipment dealer and interested in receiving RFQ inquiries for wanted PCB assembly equipment, parts and supplies, enroll in our Power Trader program. or contact us.
  • I am an equipment dealer, I want to receive RFQs but I don't want to receive spam?
  • Every RFQ inquiry is screened to prevent spam. Only the real inquiries are forwarded to the SMTnet Marketplace RFQ mailing list.
pressure curing ovens

Reflow Oven