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This company listing was last updated in November 2013


A French multinational company acting in areas such as defense, aerospace, airlines security and safety, information technology, and transportation.


Whenever critical decisions need to be made, Thales has a role to play. In all the markets we serve – defence, security, space, aerospace and ground transportation – our understanding of the Critical Decision Chain helps customers to decide and act in a timely fashion and obtain the best outcomes.

World-class technologies and the combined expertise of 67,000 employees in 56 locally based country operations make Thales a key player in assuring the security of citizens, infrastructure and nations.

THALES Postings

2 technical articles »

Control of the Underfill of Surface Mount Assemblies by Non-Destructive Techniques

Apr 28, 2016 | Julien Perraud, Arnaud Grivon.

Underfilling is a long-standing process issued from the micro-electronics that can enhance the robustness and the reliability of first or second-level interconnects for a variety of electronic applications. Its usage is currently spreading across the industry fueled by the decreasing reliability margins induced by the miniaturization and interconnect pitch reduction. (...)

This paper will address the control of surface mount under filled assemblies, focusing on applicable inspection techniques and possible options to overcome their limitations....

Improving Density in Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards for Space Applications

Nov 27, 2013 | Olivier Vendier, Jean-Louis Cazaux, Jean-Luc Lortal; Thales Alenia Space.

The need in complexity for microwave space products such as active BFNs (Beam Forming Networks) is increasing, with a significantly growing number of amplitude / phase control points (number of beams * numbers of radiating elements). As a consequence, the RF component’s package topology is evolving (larger number of I/Os, interconnections densification ...) which directly affect the routing and architecture of the multilayer boards they are mounted on. It then becomes necessary to improve the density of these boards (...) This paper will present the work performed to achieve LCP-based high density multilayer structures, describing the different electrical and technological breadboards manufactured and tested and presenting the results obtained....

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