PCB Silkscreen
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PCB Silkscreen Description:
Before you design or buy a printed circuit board, firstly make understand what is silkscreen of printed circuit board design? What is the function of the silk screen layer? The most common silk screen PCB printing technology. Now JHDPCB will explain it all for you.
A printed circuit board (PCB) design has many different layers, and silkscreen is the topmost layer of a printed circuit board (PCB) and often occurs as the last step in the printed circuit board manufacturing process. As the pcb screen printing must be printed on the PCB surface, each PCB has two silkscreen layers layers at most,on the top side and the bottom side. In order to provide reference marks for components on PCB.
It is a non-conductive epoxy ink, which is a specially formulated ink. Its common color is white color, besides there are other pcb silkscreen colors of yellow, blue,black,red and so on.
PCB Silkscreen was added in Jul 2022
PCB Silkscreen has been viewed 155 times
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