Data preparation Software packages for the fabrication, manufacture and test of PCBs.
GraphiCode was founded in 1987 and has been dealing with PCB data ever since. Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest we are dedicated to providing our customers with software that accomplishes more than they expect. It is our belief that customers deserve outstanding products, outstanding support and outstanding integrity and we strive to deliver all three at all times. GraphiCode has long provided innovative solutions to problems including developing GC-Prevue back in 1987 (a free Gerber Viewer), GC-Place in 1992 (the first assembly tool to utilize Gerber data), and the GC-PowerPlatform (a single platform for Design-Fabrication-Assembly-Test) in 2001. Many GraphiCode innovations have been copied by competitors and we take great pleasure in this. It is nice to know that your thinking was correct and that your approach is valid - imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery. Of course we will also readily admit that we have our own fair share of "well it seemed like a good idea at the time" features and functions but if you're always driven to improve there are bound to be some wrong turns.
Our products are all based on a single codebase because who wants to write code more than once? However, this does provide us the ability to fix problems reported by users worldwide, using products in multiple languages, and from across the spectrum of PCB design, manufacturing and assembly. And because we work doubly hard four times a year to release a new version customers don't have to wait very long to receive the latest and greatest.
Our current customer base spans the entire range of electronics companies but if you wish to use our products in some other industry then be our guest (just make sure to tell us). Major OEMs, contract and in-house designers, printed circuit board fabricators, assemblers, and testers all rely on GraphiCode products in many different ways.
Graphicode Postings
4 products »
GC-PowerStation - Full CAM Package for PCB Fabrication
Design For Manufacturability And Yield Enhancement. The Design for Manufacturability (DFM) engine searches for fabrication issues and discovers areas where yields may be increased. GraphiCode's Contour Technology produces fast and...
GC-PowerPlace™ - Create Pick and Place, ICT, AOI Programs from Gerber
Graphical CAM software for captive and contract PCB assemblers. GC-PowerPlace accepts Gerber data along with an ASCII BOM file to create and verify assembly equipment programs off-line. Centroids are extracted with sub-micron precision. It can als...
GC-CAM Edit Edit Gerber and DXF, Stencil Creation
GC-CAM Edit delivers performance and features unmatched in the industry. It also reduces manufacturing production expenses. GC-CAM Edit runs on the desktop PC platform, eliminating the need to run expensive and difficult to use workstations. GC-CA...
GC-PrevuePlus™ - Edit Gerber and DXF, Export New Data
In response to many inquiries from GC-Prevue users, GraphiCode created GC-PrevuePlus to fill the need for an inexpensive Gerber translator and editor. Building on proven functionality from GraphiCode's existing family of products, GC-PrevuePlu...
2 news releases »
Apr 10, 2002 | GraphiCode today announces the release of GC-PowerPlace v.2.1.2. The product is an upgrade to the previously named GC-Place. The new software provides customer driven enhancements and new features to streamline the process of Gerber data translation.
GraphiCode's GC-CAM 4.1.4 Software Increases Speed, Accuracy and Ease of PCB Fabrication
Dec 21, 1999 | GraphiCode announces the release of GC-CAM 4.1.4, a software program that provides total control of manufacturing data, PCB design and verification for the fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCBs).