
PCB-RFQ stand alone innovative new software for the management of Requests For Quotation, Quotations etc... Consulting services, etc..

Consultant / Service Provider

PCB-RFQ stand alone software for buyers - PCB manufacturing plant evaluation and viability - Audits - Quality problems in production and assembly - ERP software advisor - New Equipment and Technology choice - New Technology R+D concepts - Valor, Entreprise 3000 - Cost reduction in production - Acquisitions - Strategies - PCB Survey

PCBspecialist Postings

2 products »


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PCB-RFQ stand alone SOFTWARE

A PCB-RFQ stand alone software for buyers of PCB, enabling drastic reduction of time and cost, ease of use, embedded PCB manufacturers database, auto sorting of capable manufacturers according to entered part specifications. No commission, no auction...

PCB-RFQ stand alone SOFTWARE
Jade Series Selective Soldering Machines

Thermal Interface Material Dispensing