
Our website offers the most professional products in the security,surveillance and investigation fields. La Italiaspy offre la pi� sofisticata tecnologia nel campo del controspionaggio ,;la microelettronica applicata alla videosorveglianza ed alla in

Consultant / Service Provider, Manufacturer

Italiaspy is a young and dynamic Company , internationally-oriented, continuosly researching the latest in hi-technology in the counterespionage,surveillance and investigation fields.

Thanks to accurate marketing researches,Italiaspy is able to get its products directly from the source,avoiding superfluous commercial passages as commission agents and traders;it means good quality

at competitive prices.As a matter of fact,Italiaspy is actually importing the whole totality of the products you may find in this site.

Italiaspy is also offering various services, as electronic bugs detection and sweeping as well as computer networks control and real corporate counterespionage.

Italiaspy does not sell just products , but solutions.

Encapsulation Dispensing, Dam and Fill, Glob Top, CSOB

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