Hoeben Electronics

Distribute, buy and sell obsolete components, clone obsolete components like KSY10, develop electronics and software

Hoeben Electronics

  • fablessly re-creates obsolete components like the KSY10 and KSY13

  • is Innovasic components distributor, like the P8044AH, P8344AH, N8344AH, N80C152JA/B/C/D, N82510, P82510, 2901, 2910, AM186, AM188

  • buys and sells obsolete and difficult components like the Bitbus 8044 and 80C152 from Intel,

  • developes electronics and software, often industrial, for large, small, and also starting companies:

    • development of electronics, schematics, wrap or manual soldered boards to tested prototype

    • simulation with Spice, MicroCap, Electronics Workbench

    • schematic drawing with Orcad, UltiCap,

    • print layout, pcb's, with UltiBoard,

    • firmware and software in Delphi, 'C', PLM ( P/LM51, PLM51 ), Pascal or assembler.

    • high precision with

      • good EMC and ESD behaviour,

      • good temperature behaviour,

      • high speeds,

      • reliable board layout (a board is a part of/in the schematics!),

  • production of prototypes and small series, also SMD.

  • advising

  • Some info on done projects:

    • Many industrial projects are done using 8044, 80152, 80C152, 8051, 8031, 8032, TMS320C32, Z180 and

      PIC microprocessors or microcontrollers, and the LM628 servo controller. The embedded software,

      firmware, is programmed in C, Delphi, PLM (PL/M51), ASM51, often using state machines.

    • Development of PCB's, also for PC104 and ISA, so the schematics, electronics and testing, board layout

      with good decoupling, also multilayers and finally building the prototypes and small series.

    • Used software: Ultiboard, Ulticap, Orcad, Spice, Delphi, Microcap, Mathcad, Electronics workbench,

      Borland Pascal, TurboPascal.

    • Techniques: Bitbus, Filbus, Modbus, I2C, BROS, iDCX, RAC, GBS, EMC, ESD, industrial control, multitasking

      firmware, strain gauges, weighing, dosing, Weights & Measures demands.

    • Developed electronics: analog, digital, power, all kinds.

SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

Reflow Oven