OCM Manufacturing

We provide a high-quality, one-stop resource, from electronics prototyping to design for manufacturing, test design, assembly, supply chain management, managed offshoring, and after-market support.


Full-Service Manufacturing Partner for Low to Mid-Volume Electronics

For 25 years, OCM Manufacturing has provided turnkey electronics manufacturing services for low- to mid-volume products.

OCM offers a full range of contract electronics manufacturing and supply chain management solutions, both turnkey and partial turnkey:

  • For products in concept or early design stage, we offer original design manufacturing (ODM) and rapid prototyping through our established Chinese operations. We also provide design for manufacturing (DFM) expertise, inventory support and test design.
  • For mainstream products, we offer supply chain management, materials sourcing, manufacturing and test services.
  • For mature products, we offer transition services to bring products and inventories into our facility in order to make way for new product lines.

In addition, we offer a unique Asian sourcing service that allows companies to benefit from the lower cost of many electronic components sourced from Asia.

OCM Manufacturing Postings

1 technical article »

Optimizing the Clean-Tech Manufacturing Mix

Feb 03, 2010 | OCM Manufacturing

This paper will consider the unique characteristics of the renewable energy and clean-tech sectors and explore how a smartly optimized electronics manufacturing outsourcing model can help OEMs accelerate their timeto- market and support their cost-per-kilowatt reduction goals....

Manufacturing Software

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