Lamsim Enterprises Inc.

Specialists in high speed serial link architectures by providing innovative signal integrity & backplane solutions

Consultant / Service Provider

Strategic consulting services include;

  • Backplane conceptual designs through meticulous planning,   defining and optimizing backplane interconnect wiring
  • Defining backplane power distribution strategies
  • Design reviewing high speed serial link routing on PCB and ASIC package layouts
  • Defining PCB stack-ups and material selection
  • Developing net topology modeling and characterization


Lamsim Enterprises Inc. Postings

3 technical articles »

Method of Modeling Differential Vias

Mar 17, 2011 | Lambert Simonovich, Dr. Eric Bogatin, Dr. Yazi Cao,

Accurate, models for vias in a multilayer circuit board are necessary to predict link performance in the GHz regime. This paper describes a methodology to build a high bandwidth, scalable first approximation circuit model using simple transmission lines o...

Backplane Architecture High-Level Design

Mar 16, 2011 | Lambert Simonovich

The backplane is the key component in any system architecture. The sooner one considers the backplane’s physical architecture near the beginning of a project, the more successful the project will be. This white paper introduces the concept of a backplane ...

Practical Fiber Weave Effect Modeling

Mar 16, 2011 | Lambert Simonovich

Fiber weave effect is becoming more of an issue as bit rates continue to sore upwards to 5GB/s and beyond. Due to the non-homogenous nature of printed circuit board laminates, the fiberglass weave pattern causes signals to propagate at different speeds wi...

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