G2 Technology

G2 provides a complete, integrated, cloud-based solution that increases manufacturers' visibility, control and recovery of revenue.

Consultant / Service Provider

New Product Introduction:

The Challenge:

Semiconductor and electronic-component manufacturers operate in a dynamic and complex demand chain. Customer can purchase products thru a multitude of channels across multiple regions. Globalization, the high rate of new product introduction, the cyclical nature of the market, the demand/supply mismatches and the rapid acceleration of technology obsolescence present new challenges for sales, marketing and operations.

G2's Solution:

G2's solutions are designed for, and optimized for, the unique needs of manufacturers. By enabling a seamless, end-to-end process, from creating visibility into opportunities, to pricing and revenue optimization, to managing fulfillment and logistics, G2's integrated approach improves visibility into demand, preserves and builds brand equity, increases revenues, and reduces margin erosion.

To learn more about how G2 solves the unique challenges of your business, select from the challenges below:

  • New Product Introduction (NPI) - How do you generate market awareness for a new product and ensure the right customers are finding you?
  • Excess inventory - How do you ensure you are moving inventory as quickly and profitable as possible while maintaining a high level of customer service?
  • End-of-Life (EOL) - How do you support customers beyond the product life cycle, while avoiding excess cost and bottomline impact?
  • Disposition - How do you optimize your assest value while disposing of assests in an environmentally friendly way?

Excess Inventory:

The goal is simple.
Move inventory as profitably as possible.

Unmatched control and visibility of your products so you can get them off your shelf, and off your books, as quickly and profitably as possible.

The Challenge:

Invariably supply chains will encounter a product that was produced or bought for an intended build or sale, yet, for whatever reason, lost the original need or whose function never materialized. Left with excess inventory, and pressure to avoid bottom-line impact, companies may turn to a growing and detrimental gray market as a means to dispose of the inventory. Gray-market products accounted for between 5 percent and 30 percent of total IT sales in 2007, with a value of about $58 billion, according to a 2008 report by KPMG LLP and The Alliance for Gray Market and Counterfeit Abatement (AGMA). And the market is only getting bigger, resulting in experiences that not only erode consumer satisfaction and damage brand integrity, but also create significant price erosion and operational risk for manufacturers.

G2's Solution:

G2's proven technology and global fulfillment infrastructure provide a flexible, end-to-end solution for take-back and value recovery on customer excess, avoiding the result of products turning up in the gray market. Manufacturers maintain control of their products and are empowered with the tools to target new markets for their excess inventory, and dispose of the products quickly and easily so they do not weigh on the bottom line or tie up valuable cash resources.

G2's platform and solutions allow our clients to address their excess-inventory challenges by:

  • Enabling manufacturers to offer take-back and value-recovery solutions to customers, thereby enhancing customer relationships.
  • Identifying and sourcing new markets for excess inventory, while positioning them to maximize revenue

Stronger Customer Relationships.
Lower Operating Costs.

A flexible, long-term hold solution for maximizing revenue from legacy products.

The Challenge:

The discontinuing of semiconductor devices is inevitable. Every product and technology has a life cycle, thus it is only a matter of time before a device is discontinued by the manufacturer to make way for the next-generation part. A semiconductor EOL announcement can create a costly inconvenience for customers, as it can be difficult to accurately forecast last-time buy requirements, absorb the additional inventory and storage costs associated with last-time buys, or find an available drop-in replacement. Because the EOL schedule does not typically support the continuing needs of all of its customers, many companies are left in a difficult position--supply chains are interrupted and they no longer have a reliable component source to meet ongoing production, maintenance, and repair requirements.

G2's Solution:

G2's End-of-Life Solutions enable the manufacturers to address their end-of- life challenges with solutions that enable legitimate supply of authorized and certified components for the consumers for the duration of their systems' life cycles. G2's proven technology and business-intelligence software optimize legacy resale by intelligently factoring variables such as market, customer, product, promotion, and supply-and-demand data to know precisely the right time, the right amount of inventory, and the highest possible price the market for the legacy product will bear. G2's best-of-breed fulfillment infrastructure provides manufacturers with a flexible, long-term-hold solution for their obsolete or hard-to-find products in the value chain.

G2's end-to-end cloud-based platform and global fulfillment infrastructure allow clients to address their end-of-life challenges by:

  • Enabling suppliers to serve customers beyond the production date of a device
  • Enabling suppliers to finish production life while maintaining a high level of customer service by enabling customers to continue to receive products needed far beyond production life cycle
  • Allowing manufacturers to enjoy the rewards from increased ASPs after the EOL
  • Avoiding cost per unit increases due to production of small batches, and higher inventory cost due to extended shelf time

Lower Asset Base;
Higher Return on Equity.

A one-stop global e-marketplace solution to maximize the fair market value of your assets.

The Challenge:

Due to frequent technology changes, equipment life cycles are becoming increasingly shorter, requiring the selling off of equipment or environmentally-friendly disposition.

G2's Solution:

G2's Disposition Solution enables manufacturers to get the highest resale value for their capital assets or dispose of them in an environmentally-friendly way.

G2's end-to-end cloud-based platform and global fulfillment infrastructure allow clients to address their Disposition challenges by:

  • Providing a one-stop total solution from valuation analysis to equipment resale, remarketing, and refurbishing
  • Protecting asset value for manufacturers
  • Providing a dedicated resource for the customer to manage disposition of these valuable assets thereby allowing your teams to focus on new or current equipment.
SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

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