ABP Electronics Limited

ABP ELECTRONICS LIMITED was established in 2004.The headquarter is in Shenzhen and our own factories are in Meizhou and Huizhou,ABP is a leading company with service for PCB and pcb assembly.


ABP electronics is a leading and professional PCB manufacturer and EMS provider in China,which provider turnkey PCBA services from PCB design to final finished products.

ABP Electronics Limited Postings

1 product »

pcb assembly,pcb contract manufacturing services

PCB assembly service PCB contract manufacturing service High quality and no MOQ...

Assembly Services

pcb assembly,pcb contract manufacturing services

2 news releases »

China Sourcing Fair

Apr 10, 2014 | The China Sourcing Fair is coming soon. Welcome to visit us at booth 9E01 at the China Sourcing Fair in HK . Date:12th-15th April, 2014 Add: AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong International Airport,Lantau, Hong Kong

China Sourcing Fair

Apr 10, 2014 | The China Sourcing Fair is coming soon. Welcome to visit us at booth 9E01 at the China Sourcing Fair in HK . Date:12th-15th April, 2014 Add: AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong International Airport,Lantau, Hong Kong

Conductive Adhesive & Non-Conductive Adhesive Dispensing

Reflow Oven