Electronics For You : EFY

The EFY Group's first magazine, Electronics For You, was launched in January 1969, when the Indian electronics industry was still at a nascent stage. Today,it has grown into South Asia's most popular.

Media / Publisher / Online Resource

Over the last four decades, the EFY Group has become synonymous with information on cutting-edge technology. Today, this renowned media group is spread across eight locations, and caters to the intellectual needs of a diverse readership in India and in some foreign countries.

Starting with its flagship publication, Electronics For You, which is today South Asia's most popular electronics magazine, the Group now offers a bouquet of specialised publications to meet the needs of a technology-hungry nation. These publications -- Linux For You, BenefIT, Facts For You and Electronics Bazaar � also enjoy a huge readership, and have managed to attract non-technical readers with their simple language and easy-on-the-eye design.

The Group also publishes directories and books, and organises several leading technology events. Its web-portals, which include electronicsforu.com, efytimes.com, bpotimes.com, linuxforu.com and eleb2b.com, have become leaders in their respective categories. The EFY Awards, Open Source India (LinuxAsia), and Edutech Expo are three eagerly awaited annual events organised by the group.

The EFY Group has offices in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai. Besides, it has representatives in Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Pune. It also has distributors in the South East Asian countries.

EFY is already a huge success in the entire South East Asian region, and is among the first Indian technology media groups to reach Singapore and Malaysia.

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