
FabExchange uses our extensive global connections to source the best tools and buyers for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Our unique combination of brokerage and auction services equips us to execute on any project.

Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

FabExchange is a global clearinghouse for used semiconductor, SMT and PCB assembly equipment. We are experts in the global semiconductor secondary equipment marketplace. We specialize in the global sale of semiconductor fabs and fab equipment. FabExchange buys equipment from sellers, supplies equipment to buyers, conducts auctions and manages large-scale liquidations.

Our roots in Silicon Valley have helped us develop deep relationships with the world’s largest producers of semiconductor devices. We maintain one of the largest databases of buyers and sellers worldwide. We are dedicated to systematically mapping, tracking and capturing the equipment install base along with key players in the entire electronics supply chain so that we can continuously source the best buyers and sellers for our clients, even as the global semiconductor industry changes.

Our reach extends from start-ups to large scale plants. We cover 3-inch to 12-inch wafer equipment, as well as back-end equipment, ATE, PCB and SMT equipment.

The FabExchange team has over 30 years of experience providing customer-focused solutions for equipment selection, logistics, service, process and facilitation for the semiconductor industry. Our staff can communicate in English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Tagalog, Punjabi, Hindi, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian. We bring a wealth of industrial, technical, and professional experience and a dedication to ensuring our clients receive the highest possible value for their assets to all projects, big or small. Our clients benefit from our understanding of the complete manufacturing process and special asset resale knowledge by getting the best asset values.

With worldwide resources and years of industry experience, FabExchange can deliver an equipment relocation solution for an entire facility or a single asset. We are known for ensuring our clients receive the maximum value for their assets while meeting or beating strict removal deadlines.Our clients include renowned research institutions, universities, semiconductor IDMs, and world-class foundries. Past projects include the sale of equipment from two shuttering Sumitomo Electric Devices facilities and a partnership with The Branford Group for the sale of all capital assets located in Fairchild Semiconductor's Utah fab.

Reflow Oven

SMT Feeders