Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 11:05:49 EDT 2013 | shankar2013
I have moved the MOT cards. The messages are still the same. Booster +25V is stable, The BM3 +25V indicator shows no +25V which means any of the feeds down the chain pulled it down. So basically once it is low the relays in the BM3 card will not latc
Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 09:39:14 EDT 2013 | dyoungquist
Your centering jaws are likely okay. It's the 25V that runs the centering jaws that is having the problem. Could be the circuit that produces the 25V is having problems after warmup or maybe the motor that runs the centering jaws is going bad. Loo
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
MYDATA L-29-299-1D BM3CB Ed. 1D. Part is out of a known working machine. This part is for TP and/or MY series MYDATA Machines. Connects the BM3 to all the cables coming into the computer box 2. Generates the +5V and the +5.6V Monitors the +/-2