1149 a saponifier with a good surfactant package can reduce the surface tension results

Electronics Forum: a saponifier with a good surfactant package can reduce the surface tension (1)

Cleaning Water Soluble Flux under BGA's

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 15:15:35 EST 2004 | davef

I think you can effectively clean under any other low standoff device. It's an issue of surface tension, pressure, and flow rate. DI water is the starting point, but the surface tension of straight DI water makes it difficult to get under low stand

Industry News: a saponifier with a good surfactant package can reduce the surface tension (1)

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Express Newsletter: a saponifier with a good surfactant package can reduce the surface tension (1147)

Solder Materials Science Gets Small as Miniaturization Challenges Old Rules

Solder Materials Science Gets Small as Miniaturization Challenges Old Rules Solder Materials Science Gets Small as Miniaturization Challenges Old Rules Though designing much smaller packages presents its own unique set of hurdles (a topic

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