We are a contract manufacturer located in Melbourne, Florida. We specialize in low to medium volume, technologically advanced assemblies. We have both Surface Mount and Thru Hole capability. We also rework pcb's with complex devices and recover those
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 23:15:20 EDT 2005 | jrlg1120
Hi Jerome, You may also want to consider APR-5000 from Metcal. Capability and price is very reasonable. Randy
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 14:10:50 EDT 2005 | ppwlee
Has anyone done a comparison between the newer Metcal APR-5000 BGA rework and Airvac DRS24? Were there significant advantages of Airvac over the Metcal that justify the cost delta? Rgds, Pete
Used SMT Equipment | Repair/Rework
Very nice OKi Rework Station For Sale Complete with Dell Computer, Monitor, Nozzles, and Accessories Powered up in Excellent Running Condition and Shape! See attached pictures and information below OK International Model Number: APR-5000-DZ
Used SMT Equipment | Repair/Rework
Metcal Array Package Rework System with PC and hot air nozzles. Machine condition is good. Everything working
Industry News | 2009-10-13 13:34:02.0
OK International is currently looking forward to introducing Productronica visitors to its popular range of soldering and production assembly technologies – each designed to deliver a unique Training, Application and Productivity advantage, otherwise known as TAP. Showcasing its expertise on Booth A4.127 from November 10th – 13th in Munich, the OK International team will also reveal how these operational advantages can transform visitors into Superproducers.
Industry News | 2002-03-22 07:00:10.0
To demonstrate brand new, economical rework and optical inspection solutions!
Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses
The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.
Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses
The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.
Career Center | Rochester, New York USA | Engineering
I have done my undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering. I am pursuing my Master's Program in Electronics Packaging. I am currently working as a Research Assistant for RIT-CEMA (Center for Electronics Manufacturing and Assembly). My research
Career Center | chennai, India | Engineering,Maintenance
Nokia India Pvt LTD. Sriperumpudur – Board Assembler Maintenance Technician from Sep 2009 to till now. Machines Handled Pick & Place : FUJI NXT Machines FUJI NXT - M3 II ,M3S. Reflow oven: Hot flow 3/20, 2/14. Stencil Pr