New SMT Equipment: bake vs wash pcb (9)

Austin American Technology MicroJet® Inline Cleaning System-18

Austin American Technology MicroJet® Inline Cleaning System-18

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

Durable Construction The MicroJet in-line system is constructed of high-density polypropylene for excellent chemical compatibility and long life.  It has a non-corroding, rigid metal chassis, unibody construction, a detachable load section, and hinge

Austin American Technology

Austin American Technology HydroJet® In-Line Cleaning System-24

Austin American Technology HydroJet® In-Line Cleaning System-24

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

The HydroJet Washes with Chemistry or Water in One Machine! Durable Construction The HydroJet   in-line system is constructed of high-density polypropylene for excellent chemical compatibility and long life.  It has a non-corroding, rigid metal chas

Austin American Technology


Electronics Forum: bake vs wash pcb (84)

PCB bake

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 17 20:33:05 EST 2002 | ianchan

Hi, Can anyone help explain the benefits/disadvantages of bareboard pcb baking, as part of the pre-heat conditioning, before the bareboard pcb use in SMT production run? The pcb board is 200mm x 240mm panelized pcb board, and has 28 smaller pcb boa

PCB bake

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 04:45:32 EST 2002 | wbu

Ianchan, baking as being part of pre-heating is obviously sensless cause the PCB will not maintain any of that heat till soldering. Common reason for prebaking PCB�s is getting the moisture out to prevent outgassing, warpage and maybe other defects.


Industry News: bake vs wash pcb (2)

Wash with Chemistry OR Water with AAT's HydroJet Inline Cleaning System

Industry News | 2020-04-02 17:00:04.0

Austin American Technology (AAT) is pleased to announce that the HydroJet® was the first inline cleaner to introduce the current standard of coherent jet technology to clean under tightly spaced components. AAT further improved this technology by developing Progressive Energy Dynamics (PED), which is only available on Austin American inline cleaners.

Austin American Technology

Immersion gold VS Plating gold

Industry News | 2019-05-16 01:27:23.0

There are several surface treatment for PCB board: bare board (no treatment on the surface), rosin board, OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives), HASL (lead tin, lead-free tin), plating gold, immersion gold, etc., these are relatively conscious treatment. Many people can't tell the difference between plating gold and immersion gold, thinking that it is the same thing, it is a big mistake. The following is a brief introduction to the difference between plating gold and immersion gold.



Videos: bake vs wash pcb (1)

Immersion gold VS Plating gold


There are several surface treatment for PCB board: bare board (no treatment on the surface), rosin board, OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives), HASL (lead tin, lead-free tin), plating gold, immersion gold, etc., these are relatively conscious tr



Training Courses: bake vs wash pcb (3)

BGA Rework Process Implementation

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

BGA Rework Process Implementation

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc


Career Center - Resumes: bake vs wash pcb (1)


Career Center | THRISSUR, India | Maintenance,Production

HANDLING OF MAINTENANCE Camelot,Mascot, Selective Soldering,Wave Soldering,Aquastorm 200,H-500 HI-Z,Kolb,kerry&PBT,GETECH, ATI 105 & Final Touch 101,Heller,Btu&vapour phase,Shuttle,SRT,ESD ,Electrical maintenance . Knowledge in using SLIM KIC 2000&


Express Newsletter: bake vs wash pcb (908)

bake vs wash pcb searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Precision PCB Services, Inc
Precision PCB Services, Inc

Products, services, training & consulting for the assembly, rework & repair of electronic assemblies. BGA process experts. Manufacturers Rep, Distributor & Service Provider for Seamark/Zhuomao and Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations.

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1750 Mitchell Ave.
Oroville, CA USA

Phone: (888) 406-2830

SMT feeders

Software for SMT placement & AOI - Free Download.
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Smt Feeder repair service centers in Europe, North, South America
IPC Training & Certification - Blackfox

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course