Electronics Forum: breathing in solder dross dust harmful (4)

Dross produced, are we in or out?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 13:26:34 EDT 2005 | pjc

Dave, On the SolderSaver, My business partner was given a demo on this thing back in 2000. He said: "It worked but had a tendency to kick up dross dust into the air, but it sure did separate the good solder from the dross." Pete

Dross produced, are we in or out?

Electronics Forum | Sat May 21 08:22:42 EDT 2005 | davef

We agree with the previous poster. 50 pounds sounds like a lot. We don't know: * How often you dedross? * What method you use for dedrossing? * What portion of your dross that is dross versus solder? * How many boards do you run between drossings?

Express Newsletter: breathing in solder dross dust harmful (982)

SMTnet Express May 9 - 2013, Subscribers: 26129

SMTnet Express May 9, 2013, Subscribers: 26129, Members: Companies: 13373, Users: 34687 Impact of Dust on Printed Circuit Assembly Reliability by: Bo Song, Michael H. Azarian, Michael G. Pecht; CALCE Atmospheric dust consists of solids suspended

Partner Websites: breathing in solder dross dust harmful (131)

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