Electronics Forum: cause coplanarity in connector (20)

Re: Fine pitch SMT connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 05 10:32:39 EDT 2000 | Khalid Saeed

It could be a gold finish problem. The recommened gold finish thickness is less than five micro inches. Gold thickness greater than five microi inches is significant contributor for causing embrittlement of the solder joints. Verify the reflow profil

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 11:39:51 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

Thanks Robl. I’ve contacted samtec followed their advice but ended up empty handed. Originally my stencil thickness is 6 mils, samtec stressed the need for the paste and charge to have good contact but this is challenged by the inherent charge non-co

Industry News: cause coplanarity in connector (10)

Akrometrix to Participate in the SMTAI Spotlight 5 Panel Discussion: “Warpage Induced Defects and Component Warpage Limits”

Industry News | 2017-08-30 16:58:11.0

Akrometrix will be a panelist in the upcoming SMTAI Spotlight 5 panel discussion, scheduled to take place Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2017 from 2-3 p.m. The discussion, entitled “Warpage Induced Defects and Component Warpage Limits,” will be streamed on Facebook Live.


Why use Via in Pad Design?

Industry News | 2019-11-05 22:08:21.0

Via in pad is the design practice of placing a via in the copper landing pad of a component. Compared to standard PCB via routing, via in pad allows a design to use smaller component pitch sizes and further reduce the PCBs overall size. With component manufactures pushing smaller parts every year and the demand from consumers for smaller devices, the usage of via in pad practices by hardware engineers have become more commonplace. In this article, we will discuss the differences between via in pad and traditional vias, when should you use via in pad, and how to design for it.


Parts & Supplies: cause coplanarity in connector (47)

Panasonic  KME nozzles used in smt machine

Panasonic KME nozzles used in smt machine

Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

Panasonic smt nozzles models: Panasonic MSR SMT NOZZLE Part Number Description 10468S0002 MSR - SMT NOZZLE - VVS (0.84 X 0.60) 10468S0003 - NZ. - VS (1.0 X 0.64) 10468S0004 -NZ. - S (1.6 X 1.06) 1046710134 -NZ. - M (1.60mm) 10467S0001 -NZ. - L

KingFei SMT Tech

Panasonic Panasonic KME nozzles used in smt machine

Panasonic Panasonic KME nozzles used in smt machine

Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

Panasonic smt nozzles models: Panasonic MSR SMT NOZZLE Part Number Description 10468S0002 MSR - SMT NOZZLE - VVS (0.84 X 0.60) 10468S0003 - NZ. - VS (1.0 X 0.64) 10468S0004 -NZ. - S (1.6 X 1.06) 1046710134 -NZ. - M (1.60mm) 10467S0001 -NZ. - L

KingFei SMT Tech

Express Newsletter: cause coplanarity in connector (288)

Partner Websites: cause coplanarity in connector (107)

Reflow Soldering | SMT Reflow Common Defects and Treatment-News-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Ove

| http://etasmt.com/cc?ID=te_news_bulletin,9161&url=_print

. If the metal content in the solder paste is relatively high, especially if the printing time is too long, it is more likely to cause an increase in the metal content

J-STD-001E-2010: 4.5.1, Gold Removal Issues - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed

| https://www.eptac.com/faqs/ask-helena-leo/ask/j-std-001e-2010-4-5-1-gold-removal-issues

. Therefore if you are building class 3 product, you have a dilemma as initiating this requirement may cause manufacturing problems with component coplanarity

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