Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 20:17:41 EST 1999 | Michael Larsen
| | I'm having a fun time between BGA rework/repair using an SRT 1000 and SPC efforts (much easier) using DEK stencil printing processes and BTU reflow with 6 Fuji lines in between. | | Concerning the BGA stuff, I'm getting about 60% success using
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 10:25:55 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
I'm having a fun time between BGA rework/repair using an SRT 1000 and SPC efforts (much easier) using DEK stencil printing processes and BTU reflow with 6 Fuji lines in between. Concerning the BGA stuff, I'm getting about 60% success using this rewo
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/doc/Embedded-IR-Heater-User-Guide-22140091.pdf
physically removes power from the heaters. 7/1/20 GPD Global® 11 Embedded Infrared Heater User Guide Basic operations Wait for successful splash screen. Wait for the splash screen to indicate a normal, successful start up has been completed. Successful start
Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/688951_OvenSetupWizard-XP4021.pdf
. Various options can be enabled and set in the setup wizard. Many options will need appropriate hardware before they can be enabled. Run Start > All Programs > Oven Workstation > Oven Setup Wizard and setup the oven