Industry Directory: coplanarity requirements (2)

Data I/O Corporation

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Data I/O is the world's leading provider of manual and automated programming solutions for semiconductor (IC) devices. Data I/O's solutions, software and programming engine ensures devices are programmed correctly every time.

CAD Design Software

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

CAD Design Software products run in the AutoCAD environment.


New SMT Equipment: coplanarity requirements (12)



New Equipment | Test Equipment

KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI Camera: 12M 15um Max PCB: 490 x 510 mm Weight: 600kg Dimension: 820x1265x1627 mm KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI A model with 8 projections and an 8MPx camera. This model is very resistant t

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

StikNPeel™ PCB Rework Stencil

StikNPeel™ PCB Rework Stencil

New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils

Sometimes there are products that come along and you think to yourself-Wow! The StikNPeel™ rework stencil is one of those products. It simplifies the rework of site locations by placing a highly flexible, removable, adhesive-backed stencil on to a ci



Electronics Forum: coplanarity requirements (27)

Re: BGA coplanarity

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 21:12:30 EST 2000 | Dave F

From a process perspective, I don�t know if you should be concerned ... You've told us nothing about your process. THE BOOK JEDEC MO-51 allows 6 thou warp in smaller [1mm pitch] BGA and 8 thou in larger [ 1.27mm and 1.5mm pitch] BGA. The increase

Coplanarity check

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 03:53:16 EST 2005 | devilhitam

hi guys, I need a help here. Does anyone know what is the standard for coplanarity check for fine pitch IC that well practiced? I am using SIEMENS F5 for fine pitch IC placement.SIEMENS F5 do have the capability for coplanarity check. My customer re


Used SMT Equipment: coplanarity requirements (4)

Panasonic Modular Chip Mounter

Panasonic Modular Chip Mounter

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

  Panasonic Modular Chip Mounter NPM-W2 NM-EJM7D Feature▶Model NM-EJM7D with 3,8,12,and 16 Light-weight Placements heads provide production flexibility.▶Max Speed:77,000 CPH.▶Support PCB size Max:750*550MM.▶Support up to 120 8MM tap feeder slots.

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Juki KE760L

Juki KE760L

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

JUKI KE760L / Zevatech FM760 : Completely working machine in good conditions, with some spare parts, nozzles renewed, spare mainboard/computer with LCD, manuals, etc. Supplied with 2troleys with about 70 various feeders, rack for spare feeders availa

LEDeco solution,s.r.o.


Industry News: coplanarity requirements (75)

Different Techniques for Plating

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:08:03.0

Different Techniques for Plating

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Flason Electronic Co.,limited


Parts & Supplies: coplanarity requirements (1)

Saki Saki 3D SPI machine

Parts & Supplies | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes

3D Solder Paste Inspection Machine  Features : Easy to use by fully motorize X-Y scan mechanism. Easy to program by Gerber image navigator Easy to repeat the same job by loading the saved program User-friendly color image live view operation Ea

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd


Technical Library: coplanarity requirements (3)

Vacuum Fluxless Reflow Technology for Fine Pitch First Level Interconnect Bumping Applications

Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:58:36.0

Heterogeneous integration has become an important performance enabler as high-performance computing (HPC) demands continue to rise. The focus to enable heterogeneous integration scaling is to push interconnect density limit with increased bandwidth and improved power efficiency. Many different advanced packaging architectures have been deployed to increase I/O wire / area density for higher data bandwidth requirements, and to enable more effective die disaggregation. Embedded Multi-die Interconnect Bridge (EMIB) technology is an advanced, cost-effective approach to in-package high density interconnect of heterogeneous chips, providing high density I/O, and controlled electrical interconnect paths between multiple dice in a package. In emerging architectures, it is required to scale down the EMIB die bump pitch in order to further increase the die-to-die (D2D) communication bandwidth. Aa a result, bump pitch scaling poses significant challenges in the plated solder bump reflow process, e.g., bump height / coplanarity control, solder wicking control, and bump void control. It's crucial to ensure a high-quality solder bump reflow process to meet the final product reliability requirements. In this paper, a combined formic acid based fluxless and vacuum assisted reflow process is developed for fine pitch plated solder bumping application. A high-volume production (HVM) ready tool has been developed for this process.

Heller Industries Inc.

Advanced Second Level Assembly Analysis Techniques - Troubleshooting Head-In-Pillow, Opens, and Shorts with Dual Full-Field 3D Surface Warpage Data Sets/

Technical Library | 2014-08-19 16:04:28.0

SMT assembly planning and failure analysis of surface mount assembly defects often include component warpage evaluation. Coplanarity values of Integrated Circuit packages have traditionally been used to establish pass/fail limits. As surface mount components become smaller, with denser interconnect arrays, and processes such package-on-package assembly become prevalent, advanced methods using dual surface full-field data become critical for effective Assembly Planning, Quality Assurance, and Failure Analysis. A more complete approach than just measuring the coplanarity of the package is needed. Analyzing the gap between two surfaces that are constantly changing during the reflow thermal cycle is required, to effectively address the challenges of modern SMT assembly.



Videos: coplanarity requirements (5)

Demonstration of BGA rework via stencil printing. BEST's StikNPeel stencil is an adhesive backed stencil which allows users to stick the stencil in to place and simply peel it off the PCB with a temporary adhesive system.

Demonstration of BGA rework via stencil printing. BEST's StikNPeel stencil is an adhesive backed stencil which allows users to stick the stencil in to place and simply peel it off the PCB with a temporary adhesive system.


Demonstration of BGA rework via stencil printing. BEST's StikNPeel stencil is an adhesive backed stencil which allows users to stick the stencil in to place and simply peel it off the PCB with a temporary adhesive system. This leaves consistent print


PSV7000 with Tray to Tray Media I/O Option.

PSV7000 with Tray to Tray Media I/O Option.


Data I/O's premier automated programming system PSV7000 with tray to tray integrated media I/O option for semiconductor devices

Data I/O Corporation


Express Newsletter: coplanarity requirements (509)

PCB Dynamic Coplanarity At Elevated Temperatures

PCB Dynamic Coplanarity At Elevated Temperatures PCB Dynamic Coplanarity At Elevated Temperatures iNEMI's SMTAI 2011 presentation by: John Davignon, Ken Chiavone, Jiahui Pan, James Henzi, David Mendez, Ron Kulterman; Intel Corporation


coplanarity requirements searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
Encapsulation Dispensing, Dam and Fill, Glob Top, CSOB

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High Throughput Reflow Oven

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