Electronics Forum: cpcompany (10)

High-end SPI and AOI?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 22:56:22 EDT 2009 | cpcompany

Can anyone help me recommend or simulate a SPI > and AOI machine that can balance our FUJI NXT 1 > with 14 modules. We are using MPM accela printer. > 200 UPH is our target. > > Here's the PCB > dimension > > length(x) = 399.92mm width(y) = >

Samsung CP30 M1/M2 nozzles?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 03:02:00 EST 2011 | cpcompany

Dear Sir I understand that you are having difficulty in finding the nozzles for CP30. As you know CP30 was the very first model of Samsung Techwin. At that time, I worked for Samsung Techwin as a service engineer in Korea. Now I am checking if I can

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