219 creep corrosion copper sulfide enig results

Technical Library: creep corrosion copper sulfide enig (2)

Relative Humidity Dependence of Creep Corrosion on Organic-Acid Flux Soldered Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2018-05-09 22:15:29.0

Creep corrosion on printed circuit boards (PCBs) is the corrosion of copper metallization and the spreading of the copper corrosion products across the PCB surfaces to the extent that they may electrically short circuit neighboring features on the PCB. The iNEMI technical subcommittee on creep corrosion has developed a flowers-of-sulfur (FOS) based test that is sufficiently well developed for consideration as an industry standard qualification test for creep corrosion. This paper will address the important question of how relative humidity affects creep corrosion. A creep corrosion tendency that is inversely proportional to relative humidity may allow data center administrators to eliminate creep corrosion simply by controlling the relative humidity in the data center,thus, avoiding the high cost of gas-phase filtration of gaseous contamination. The creep corrosion relative humidity dependence will be studied using a modified version of the iNEMI FOS test chamber. The design modification allows the achievement of relative humidity as low as 15% in the presence of the chlorine-releasing bleach aqueous solution. The paper will report on the dependence of creep corrosion on humidity in the 15 to 80% relative humidity range by testing ENIG (gold on electroless nickel), ImAg (immersion silver) and OSP (organic surface preservative) finished PCBs, soldered with organic acid flux.

iNEMI (International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative)

Creep Corrosion of PWB Final Finishes: Its Cause and Prevention

Technical Library | 2021-04-08 00:30:49.0

As the electronic industry moves to lead-free assembly and finer-pitch circuits, widely used printed wiring board (PWB) finish, SnPb HASL, has been replaced with lead-free and coplanar PWB finishes such as OSP, ImAg, ENIG, and ImSn. While SnPb HASL offers excellent corrosion protection of the underlying copper due to its thick coating and inherent corrosion resistance, the lead-free board finishes provide reduced corrosion protection to the underlying copper due to their very thin coating. For ImAg, the coating material itself can also corrode in more aggressive environments. This is an issue for products deployed in environments with high levels of sulfur containing pollutants encountered in the current global market. In those corrosive environments, creep corrosion has been observed and led to product failures in very short service life (1-5 years). Creep corrosion failures within one year of product deployment have also been reported. This has prompted an industry-wide effort to understand creep corrosion


Express Newsletter: creep corrosion copper sulfide enig (217)

SMTnet Express - May 10, 2018

SMTnet Express, May 10, 2018, Subscribers: 31,023, Companies: 10,930, Users: 24,698 Relative Humidity Dependence of Creep Corrosion on Organic-Acid Flux Soldered Printed Circuit Boards Haley Fu, iNEMI Creep corrosion on printed circuit boards

SMTnet Express - March 17, 2022

SMTnet Express, March 17, 2022, Subscribers: 25,805, Companies: 11,547, Users: 27,113 Creep Corrosion On Lead-Free Printed Circuit Boards In High Sulfur Environments The material and process changes required to eliminate lead from

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