Industry Directory: csm micro combi tester (1)

CSM Instruments

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

CSM Instruments develops, manufactures and sells instruments to characterize mechanical properties of surfaces. We have been the world leader in this market for more than 30 years.

New SMT Equipment: csm micro combi tester (3)

Micro Indenter (MHT)

Micro Indenter (MHT)

New Equipment | Test Equipment

The CSM Instruments Micro-Hardness Tester provides over three decades of normal force range and thus is ideally suited to the mechanical characterization of hard coatings, thick soft coatings and bulk materials. It provides accurate and reproducible

CSM Instruments

Micro Scratch Tester (MST)

Micro Scratch Tester (MST)

New Equipment | Test Equipment

The Micro Scratch Tester is widely used to characterize adhesion failure of thin films and coatings, with a typical thickness below 5 µm. The MST is also used in the analysis of organic and inorganic; soft and hard coatings. Applications include thin

CSM Instruments

Career Center - Resumes: csm micro combi tester (1)

Equipment Engineer\B Tech (EC)\7.5+ Years Ex

Career Center | Dargaha Road Zameen Pallavaram Chennai, Tamilnadu India | Maintenance,Technical Support

CURRENT JOB: • Responsible for four sub department as Production support, Preventive maintenance activity, Spare parts control and NPI (New product Introduction) under one Equipment department. • Take care of OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), MTTR

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SMT Machines

High Throughput Reflow Oven
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