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PCB Repairs of all kinds including-Solder on Tab (Solder Removal, Gold Plating), PTH & Delam repairs, etc.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 04:51:43 EDT 2004 | rose
I suggest you to do some EDX ananlysis or maping and make a comparsion between the delam part and the good one. maybe some contamination or element used in the board manufacturing process stayed under the coating layer. If there is some difference be
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 00:26:14 EDT 2004 | charly
hi, encounter few cases PCB was delam after reflow, and the supplier was refuse that this is a PCB manufacturing defect as the fallout is low within one lot. the cost for this scrap is high after PCBA level, my query here are 1) is there any way