Electronics Forum: eightech tectron (1)

Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 23:29:52 EDT 2011 | ckyien

Hi, my company is looking for SMT lines. Currently our target for reflow oven is Eightech Tectron Lead free and Heller 1809MK3. Kindly please share your comments of pros and cons of these machines. Also please recommend other brands and models. Than

Industry News: eightech tectron (1)

Seika Machinery’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Was a Huge Success

Industry News | 2014-04-07 15:34:11.0

Seika Machinery, Inc., today announced that its 20th anniversary celebration held during the recent IPC APEX EXPO was a huge success.

Seika Machinery, Inc.

Express Newsletter: eightech tectron (2)

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