Industry Directory: frequency error (4)

Bliley Technologies Incorporated

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Bliley Technologies manufactures crystal resonators and oscillators for use in telecommunications, instrumentation, timing and navigation. Bliley has been designing innovative quartz based frequency control devices since 1930.

AeroComm, Inc.

Industry Directory |

RF Modules for Industrial & Commercial Wireless

New SMT Equipment: frequency error (39)

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0 PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester Overview PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester is mainly used for the first article inspection of the SMT production process in electronics factories. The operation of the t

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester

PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester

New Equipment | Inspection

PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester 版本号:PTI500V2.0 、 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITIES ✦ADVANCED SOFTWARE, USER FRIENDLY INTERATIVE OPERATION MINIMALIST DESIGN ✦INTUITIVE VIEW OF TEST RESULT The test result is plotted on individual component which can be

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Electronics Forum: frequency error (10)

Vibration Feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 29 16:20:08 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Our success rates with MyData vibe feeder were always tentative. Sometimes you'd get it to go great, sometimes, not so much. MyData allows you to control frequency and amplitude on the vibration. Trying various combinations of the two was key to g

how to achieve 500ppm?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 16:15:04 EDT 2005 | peter ng

Dear all, We faced some major issue in setting our company target to 500 points per million at machine throw rate.It might be caused by human error,machine,feeder,environment or other factor.We need some opition and advise on how to achieve this targ

Used SMT Equipment: frequency error (153)

Agilent 70842A

Agilent 70842A

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Agilent-Keysight 70842A HP 70842A 3Gb/s Error Detector Module Product Specs: Error Detector Module for 71603B. 100 Mb/s to 3Gb/s The HP 70842A error detector module complements the pattern generator module. The HP 70842A occupies 418 MMS modu

Test Equipment Connection

Agilent 70842A

Agilent 70842A

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Agilent-Keysight 70842A HP 70842A 3Gb/s Error Detector Module Product Specs: Error Detector Module for 71603B. 100 Mb/s to 3Gb/s The HP 70842A error detector module complements the pattern generator module. The HP 70842A occupies 418 MMS modul

Test Equipment Connection

Industry News: frequency error (54)

Introbotics Announces New Board Testing Capability for Merix Corporation

Industry News | 2003-04-01 08:13:08.0

The Introbotics equipment boosts controlled impedance testing productivity and accuracy by a factor of ten compared to the handheld probing techniques.


Electronics Workbench Announces Multisim 7 and Multicap 7 for Professional Circuit Engineers and Designers

Industry News | 2003-05-06 09:05:12.0

New Schematic Capture and Simulation Software Delivers Innovative Features and the Industry�s Best Price/Performance


Technical Library: frequency error (1)

Making Sense of Laminate Dielectric Properties

Technical Library | 2020-12-16 18:50:42.0

System operating speeds continue to increase as a function of the consumer demand for such technologies as faster Internet connectivity, video on demand, and mobile communications technology. As a result, new high performance PCB substrates have emerged to address signal integrity issues at higher operating frequencies. These are commonly called low Dk and/or low loss (Df) materials. The published "typical" values found on a product data sheet provide limited information, usually a single construction and resin content, and are derived from a wide range of test methods and test sample configurations. A printed circuit board designer or front end application engineer must be aware that making a design decision based on the limited information found on a product data sheet can lead to errors which can delay a product launch or increase the assembled PCB cost. The purpose of this paper is to highlight critical selection factors that go beyond a typical product data sheet and explain how these factors must be considered when selecting materials for high speed applications

Isola Group

Videos: frequency error (15)

vision measuring machine,Vision Inspection System,Auto measuring machine

vision measuring machine,Vision Inspection System,Auto measuring machine

Videos Vision Measuring Machine and image measuring instrument can be used for dimensional accuracy measurement of various molds, aircraft, automobile, mobile phone, computer,

ASCEN Technology

image measuring machine,optical coordinate measuring machine,Vision Measuring System

image measuring machine,optical coordinate measuring machine,Vision Measuring System

Videos Vision Measuring Machine and image measuring instrument can be used for dimensional accuracy measurement of various molds, aircraft, automobile, mobile phone, computer,

ASCEN Technology

Express Newsletter: frequency error (128)

SMTnet Express - July 8, 2021

SMTnet Express, July 8, 2021, Subscribers: 26,934, Companies: 11,398, Users: 26,743 Effects Of Surface Finish On High Frequency Signal Loss Using Various Substrate Materials The amount of information transferred on wireless networks

Partner Websites: frequency error (79)

PCB Libraries Forum : Ferrite Bead symbol and reference designator

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

- ;"Error 404: Page was Moved!"In document from 2004 created by PCB Libraries and titled Standard Reference Designators "FB" stands for Ferrite

PCB Libraries, Inc.

frequency error searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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