Industry Directory: gsm flexjet cph (1)

Steele Support Services

Industry Directory |

Former Universal Field Service Engineer provides Service and Support to the Electronics Industry on automation equipment including the GSM, GDM, PTF, Shuttle, RAMTF, Flexjet, Flex Head, NCC8, TAB, SMTF, MPTF, Apps etc., at half Universal Rates!!!


New SMT Equipment: gsm flexjet cph (1)

Controle MD

New Equipment |  

Controle MD is a company specialise in SMT equipments.We do servicing, calibration and installation on Fuji CP and IP machine, Universal GSM (C4 and Flexjet heads), Electrovert, MPM printers and many more. We also have thousand of spares parts for SM

Controle MD


Electronics Forum: gsm flexjet cph (61)

GSM2 flexjet riddled with problems

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 08:48:43 EST 2021 | dilogic

GSM's have MMIT I/O bus. It is used for most of the discrete I/O, so I would check it's operation first - see attached diagram. You sholud have BUSPROBE tool which you can use to read/write memory locations directly. I do not know if you have access

Looking for equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 09:55:47 EST 2014 | alpha1

I'm in the market for some new (to me) pick and > place equipment, and, could use some > opinions. > > I'm a MyData guy by experience, and > have recently been working on some older Philips > machines. > > I'm comfortable on a MyData > platf


Used SMT Equipment: gsm flexjet cph (51)

Universal Instruments GSM2

Universal Instruments GSM2

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Here is your chance to purchase a Fully Automated SMT Line in Good Working Condition at a Low Price Cost new was over $1,000,000+ Million! Equipment consists of the following items DEK 265 GSX Stencil Printer - Green Camera -

1st Place Machinery Inc.

Universal Instruments GSM2 SMT Line Package

Universal Instruments GSM2 SMT Line Package

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

SMT Line Equipment Package For Sale consisting of the following items DEK 265 GSX Stencil Printer - Year 1999 Universal 4796L ChipShooter - Year 2000-2001 305+ Universal HSP Feeders of various sizes 16+ Universal HSP Feeder Carts Universal GSM2 - Du

1st Place Machinery Inc.


Industry News: gsm flexjet cph (2)

Count On Tools Introduces Ceramic Nozzles for UIC’s Placement Equipment

Industry News | 2011-01-28 17:29:19.0

Count On Tools Inc. introduces new Ceramic Nozzle Series for the complete line of Universal Instruments Corporation’s (UIC) pick-and-place machines, including Genesis, Advantis, Flexjet and GSM.

Count On Tools, Inc.


Parts & Supplies: gsm flexjet cph (71)

Videos: gsm flexjet cph (2)

Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.

Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.


Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.

Capital Equipment Exchange

Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.

Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.


Universal GSM1 with FlexJet customer acceptance.

Capital Equipment Exchange


Career Center - Resumes: gsm flexjet cph (1)

SMT Production Technician

Career Center | Clearwater, Florida USA | Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

I have approximately 14 years experience in the Electronics manufacturing industry. I have experience from manual assembly to machine technical support for SMT eqiupment. I also have some experience with AI equipment. I have Automatic Optical Inspect


Express Newsletter: gsm flexjet cph (131)

gsm flexjet cph searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software for SMT placement & AOI - Free Download.
Blackfox IPC Training & Certification

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Training online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers"
SMT feeders

Reflow Soldering 101 Training Course
Electronic Solutions R3

"Heller Korea"