Industry Directory: helium leak (1)

Analytical Testing Services, Inc.

Industry Directory |

Leaders in Helium Leak Detectors, parts, service and training.

New SMT Equipment: helium leak (1)

Vacuum chambers

Vacuum chambers

New Equipment | Other

Our exclusive ranges of standard and customized vacuum chambers serve markets including High Energy Physics, Medical, Semiconductor, Alternative Energy, Environmental and National Laboratories. Product Features: * Superior built using 300 Series

BEPeterson Inc.

Electronics Forum: helium leak (1)

Argon Leaking Rate

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 09:59:56 EDT 1998 | Miangui Xue

I have a hermetic package with 1 atm of Helium (5% vol.) and Argon (95%) inside. We have detected the helium leaks at 5*e-8 ccatm/sec. My question is what is the leaking rate of argon. Can anybody provide any insight or information to calculate the r

Industry News: helium leak (1)

ATS Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers for Vaccine and Laboratory Cold Storage Distributed through New Yorker Electronics

Industry News | 2021-04-22 17:08:17.0

New Advanced Thermal Solutions' Devices can Continuously Store Biological Materials at Temperatures as Low as -123°F

New Yorker Electronics

Express Newsletter: helium leak (1)

helium leak searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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