Electronics Forum: humiseal smell (2)

Latex Masking Dispense Valve

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 09:31:21 EDT 2015 | esoderberg

We use Humiseal T300 latex mask for over 17 years. No smell. That said we have been dispensing several ways. One is a Asymtek 718 in-line machine using a 1 gallon pressure pot and their DV7000 valve. It is an auger valve that has been highly successf

Dymax vs Humiseal Urethane Confomals.... Anyone?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 13:39:08 EST 2009 | grics

Good morning Jamie. I work at a CM and can offer some input on process flexability. I do not have any data on how reliable the coating is but I can say that they are both very difficult to control. Will you be selective coating or full coating? Ho

Express Newsletter: humiseal smell (16)

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