Industry Directory: jis (7)

Brass Fasteners

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Brass Fasteners has become one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of wide range of Brass Fasteners including Brass Bolts, Brass Screws, Brass Nuts, Brass Anchors, Brass Inserts, Brass Washers, Brass Rivets and more.

China Topper Steel Pipes Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Purchase high quality steel pipes from China Topper Steel Pipe Manufacturer, which is your most trustable suppliers in China. Click to Learn More.

New SMT Equipment: jis (65)

Specimen Dies

Specimen Dies

New Equipment | Other

Dies to Any Specification - ASTM, JIS, ISO and DIN Pioneer-Dietecs makes dies to any specification - ASTM, DIN, JIS and ISO. To order, select from our list of common die types or search by specification. If you don't see what you're looking for, ca

Pioneer-Dietecs Corporation

KS Terminals

KS Terminals

New Equipment | Cable & Wire Harness Equipment

KS Terminals founded in 1973, produces insulated and non-insulated copper terminals, insulated quick disconnectors, din terminals, cord end terminals, water proof heat shrinkable terminals with adhesive tubing, butt splice and other connectors, stain

South Electronics

Electronics Forum: jis (5)

Soder Paste Testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 08:59:40 EDT 2006 | saaitk

Our facility in Asia wants to change their solder paste to a local manufacturer. I have recieved specs for this paste and compared to our existing paste spec, there is not really much difference in material composition. The Asia spec tests the paste

SAC lead free solder joint strength specification

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 17 02:48:41 EDT 2006 | Eric

Anyone know any international standard (e.g. IPC, JIS) for the SAC lead free solder strength ? If no, any industrial / company standard for it ? Besides, any mathematical model which can help to calculate it.... express in "Force / area "

Industry News: jis (40)

Improve Process Control with Seika's SWB Wetting Balance Tester by Malcom

Industry News | 2020-07-09 18:39:47.0

Seika Machinery, Inc. introduces the Malcom SWB-2 Wetting Balance Tester. The entire procedure from flux application (with flux temperature control function) to measurement end is automated.

Seika Machinery, Inc.

Seika Machinery's Malcom Wetting Balance Tester Takes Testing a Step Further

Industry News | 2022-07-08 19:39:44.0

Seika Machinery, Inc. takes the "Dip & Look" method to the next level. The Malcom SWB-2 Wetting Balance Tester measures the wetting forces during the soldering process. To see the system in action, visit

Seika Machinery, Inc.

Parts & Supplies: jis (5)

Fuji High-speed Multi-Purpose Mounter XPF-L/W

Fuji High-speed Multi-Purpose Mounter XPF-L/W

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

1. Special feature 1.1  Placing heads ("auto-tools") are exchanged automatically during production:The XPF is the world's first machine to feature dynamic head exchange.The machine can switch between a high-speed placing head and a multi-purpose hea

KingFei SMT Tech

Fuji Multi - Purpose Mounter Surfac

Fuji Multi - Purpose Mounter Surfac

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Brand: FUJI Name: High Speed Multi Purpose Mounter Number Of Nozzles: 12pcs Supported Parts: 0402(1005) Lntelligent Feeders: Support For 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 44, 56, 72, 88, And 104 Mm Wide Tape Weight: 1860KG High-speed Multi-Purpose Mounter XPF

KingFei SMT Tech

Technical Library: jis (2)

Using Rheology Measurement As A Potentially Predictive Tool For Solder Paste Transfer Efficiency And Print Volume Consistency

Technical Library | 2020-07-02 13:29:37.0

Industry standards such as J-STD-005 and JIS Z 3284-1994 call for the use of viscosity measurement(s) as a quality assurance test method for solder paste. Almost all solder paste produced and sold use a viscosity range at a single shear rate as part of the pass-fail criteria for shipment and customer acceptance respectively. As had been reported many times, an estimated 80% of the defects associated with the surface mount technology process involve defects created during the printing process. Viscosity at a single shear rate could predict a fatal flaw in the printability of a solder paste sample. However, false positive single shear rate viscosity readings are not unknown.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Divergence in Test Results Using IPC Standard SIR and Ionic Contamination Measurements

Technical Library | 2017-07-13 16:16:27.0

Controlled humidity and temperature controlled surface insulation resistance (SIR) measurements of flux covered test vehicles, subject to a direct current (D.C.) bias voltage are recognized by a number of global standards organizations as the preferred method to determine if no clean solder paste and wave soldering flux residues are suitable for reliable electronic assemblies. The IPC, Japanese Industry Standard (JIS), Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN) and International Electrical Commission (IEC) all have industry reviewed standards using similar variations of this measurement. (...) This study will compare the results from testing two solder pastes using the IPC-J-STD-004B, IPC TM-650 surface insulation resistance test, and IPC TM-650 2.3.25 in an attempt to investigate the correlation of ROSE methods as predictors of electronic assembly electrical reliability.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Videos: jis (1)

ALPHA® XL-825 Cored Solder Wire

ALPHA® XL-825 Cored Solder Wire


ALPHA® Telecore XL-825 lead-free cored solder wire minimizes spattering in hand soldering operations, thus reducing circuit board contamination and enhancing worker safety and comfort.

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions

Express Newsletter: jis (2)

SMTnet Express - July 9, 2020

Industry standards such as J-STD-005 and JIS Z 328

Partner Websites: jis (12)

Multi - Purpose Mounter Surface Mount Placement Machine XPF-L/W Original FUJI

KingFei SMT Tech |

)   Parts Packaging Tape parts (JIS standard, JEITA), stick parts, tray parts   Options Stick Feeder, Wide Fiducial Camera, Dip Flux Unit, Reel Set Stand

KingFei SMT Tech

GPD Global FLOgems 1.1.0

GPD Global |

SM L Description A A[length] or A[min, max] ASCII Bi B Binary Bo BOOLEAN Boolean F4 F4 4-byte floating point F8 F8 8-byte floating point J J[length] or J[min, max] JIS-8, Japanese international standard L L[length] List I1 I1 1-byte signed integer I2

GPD Global

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