Electronics Forum: landpattern (13)

Re: Tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 09:09:34 EST 1999 | Steve Schrader

| What to look for that causes tombstoning and the corective action. | Check your land-patterns. If they do not meet IPC standards, change your CAD libraries to IPC (or some other industry accepted standards such as SMTPLUS). If you have "home-gr

Re: IPC Land Pattern Vs Manufacturer's Recommendation

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 06 09:06:05 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Randy: Seems you have a long way to go to DFM. To your strategy: - proof that in the case of wrong landpattern design the IPC would have been the better choice - count money ( what�s the cost of redesigns due to bad landpatterns ) - establish at leas

Express Newsletter: landpattern (1)

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