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SMTBOX supplies SMT feeders, SMT nozzles, SMT tools and SMT consumables to electronics manufacturing services companies globally and also has created win-win partnerships with SMT vendors and distributors to the worldwide.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 14:38:23 EST 2000 | LC
You can also try calling Universal. I don't know what the situation is like in the States but we can't get the Multi-pitch feeders directly from Hoover-Davis here because of contractual agreement between Hoover-Davis and Universal. LC
Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 10:17:07 EDT 2000 | g cronin
I thought I saw that there is a retro kit required to supply the proper power to the multi pitch feeders from older machines. Check the Universal web site for info on the multi pitch I think that is where I read about it...
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Brand new in original Samsung packaging 4 SMN P2-IT 8mm 2mm Pitch 30 SMN P2-IT 8mm 4mm Pitch 10 SMN P12-IT 12mm Multi Pitch 4 SMN P16-IT 16mm Multi Pitch Make Offer
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal GSM2 Pick and Place Machine Serial Numbers: 10056299 Model Number: GSM2 Product Code: R4681A Year 2004 Software: UPS+ Version: Dual Beam 7 Spindle FlexJet - Front Beam 1 7 Spindle FlexJet - Rear Beam 2 2 Upward Looking Came
Industry News | 2011-06-22 00:38:04.0
Universal Instruments announces an unprecedented upgrade path for its customers to enhance the performance of their surface mount platform feeders. The offer features two distinct options for improving feeder functionality to maximize machine and production line efficiency: a Gold Feeder Remanufacture Program, and a “Green-for-Gold Plus” Feeder Recycle Program.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
JUKI FF style 32MM FF32 tape and reel smt feeder JUKI FF32 mm TAPE AND REEL FEEDER Multi Pitch feeder We have many Juki Feeders and SMT placement machines of all types. This is only one of many feeder types we stock. Becky E-mail:becky@hysmt
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
GSM Multi Pitch Feeder 16mm 47175802
QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd |
UNIVERSAL UIC GSM 12mm Spliceable Multi-Pitch Tape Feeder 48591003 | QYSMT × Home about Us ABOUT US FAQ SMT spare parts SMT surplus equipment SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in contact us Products UIC GSM 12mm Spliceable Multi-Pitch Tape Feeder Public
SIDED TAPE, .25(NOT SHOWN) 8mm High Performance (Gold) Spliceable Tape Feeder T50934703 111C-033 FCU LATCH SPRING 550C-038 WINDOW COVER SLIDE 550C-050 PITCH CAM 550C-051 PITCH PLATE 550C-065 SENSOR MOUNT 550C-070 WINDOW LATCH 550C-081 PITCH SELECTOR LABEL