Electronics Forum: overhead projector (2)

Inspecting a new stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 15:00:12 EST 2008 | mulder0990

Reading the original post.. Floyd, do you remember the old overhead projectors back before we had the new fancy video projectors? Just get a clear sheet of that plastic and print your outline on that. Put that sheet over the stencil and presto, you

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 12:33:58 EST 2015 | ianatvadatech

Hey Syed, I've been running the MV-9 for just over a year. We shopped around very extensively (two APEX shows) before switching from yestech to mirtec and we bought two of the best systems they had to cover the four lines we run. Two systems are fa

Videos: overhead projector (1)

Saki introduces its new 3Di Automated Optical Inspection System

Saki introduces its new 3Di Automated Optical Inspection System


The new system delivers high-speed (5,700mm2/sec), high-accuracy (XY positioning of 3µm at 3?), height repeatability (below 2µm at 3?), and scalable resolutions of 7, 12 and 18µm for boards weighing 12kg. http://www.sakiglobal.com/automated-optical-i

SAKI America

Express Newsletter: overhead projector (25)

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