New SMT Equipment: overprint (2)

SD 295X Series - Peelable Solder Mask

SD 295X Series - Peelable Solder Mask

New Equipment | Solder Materials

A variety of printed circuit boards require protection of selected board areas during the Surface Finish or Assembly Process. A wide range of PEELABLE SOLDER MASKS, the SD 295X Series including the popular SD 2954 and SD 2955 provide such protection


HTC - 300 High Temperature Carbon Ink for Screen Printing in Flex Circuits

HTC - 300 High Temperature Carbon Ink for Screen Printing in Flex Circuits

New Equipment | Materials

HTC-300 is designed for screen printing in flex circuit and printed electronic applications where stable resistance values at elevated temperatures are required. Utilizes a high Tg (glass transition temperature) thermoplastic copolymer binder fo

Conductive Compounds, Inc.

Electronics Forum: overprint (105)

PBGA overprint

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 10 15:07:04 EDT 2004 | GIO s 40 mils...pitch,...but stencil aperture is square...ANY COMMENTS.. THANKS RUSS...

PBGA overprint

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 17:36:17 EDT 2004 | GIO

i have a 0.5 pitch(19x19 pbga array) ..with a pad of 20 mils (thou) , solder mask is same...(20th..)..and an stenCil aperture of rectangular 22 X 22.1 thou...WHICH SHOWS..I AM HAVING AN OVERPRINT..MY PASTE IS A NO-CLEAN.. COMMENTS PLS...

Industry News: overprint (1)

Reading the Fine-Pitch — IPC-7525 Updated to Deal with New Materials

Industry News | 2012-06-09 14:33:06.0

To help designers and board assemblers address the challenges of working with new materials and smaller, finer-pitch components, IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® released the B revision of IPC-7525, Stencil Design Guidelines.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Express Newsletter: overprint (1)

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