39 phil zarrow|surface tension results

Electronics Forum: phil zarrow|surface tension (11)

Re: Solder surface tension

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 12:49:11 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | | | | Can anyone tell me the formula/method to determine | | | | | | the amount of weight that solder's surface tension can support. | | | | | | (ie: Maximum weight of components soldered onto a bottom side | | | | | | of a board during a top s

Re: Solder surface tension

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 05:09:13 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | | | | Can anyone tell me the formula/method to determine | | | | | | | the amount of weight that solder's surface tension can support. | | | | | | | (ie: Maximum weight of components soldered onto a bottom side | | | | | | | of a board during


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