334 quad 4c fails to initialize results

Electronics Forum: quad 4c fails to initialize (3)

Quad 4c pretending to place components

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 25 09:42:51 EDT 2006 | slthomas

It sounds like it's just failing the laser align step. Try changing the align type for the part to "2" and see if it places it. If it's failing the laser align and you have valid part dimensions I can't help much but you might consider opening up th

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 09:47:41 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello All, I've just bought a Quad 4c pick & place machine. It's so close to actually building boards, but just doesn't quite get there. I was wondering if there's somebody out there with experience of these machines that might be able to help...?

Express Newsletter: quad 4c fails to initialize (331)

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