Electronics Forum: soldermask discoloration (15)

Re: Discoloured soldermask

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 18:07:38 EDT 1999 | Tom B.

| On various PCB's after building processes,such as reflow, flowsolder and wash. The soldermask on the PCB's have become discoloured, like a 'marble' effect all along the solder side of the board, it is lighter in contrast than normal, although when

Re: Discoloured soldermask

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 20:26:39 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | On various PCB's after building processes,such as reflow, flowsolder and wash. The soldermask on the PCB's have become discoloured, like a 'marble' effect all along the solder side of the board, it is lighter in contrast than normal, although whe

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