Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 18 18:36:58 EST 2001 | guicho_v
Is the Sn% of the plating of the pin related to wetting quality?. I am having issues with one IC maker where some pins are OK and one or two pins are not soldered, even when there is weeting evidence underneath the pin. I am blaming the %Sn too hig
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 06:44:59 EST 2001 | Scott B
I have recently come across a device which has a palladium over nickel finish which when soldered shows evidence of poor wetting to the lead ( i.e. a wetting angle greater than 90�) about three quarters of the way up the side of lead. This is only vi
Industry News | 2017-06-14 10:46:29.0
GPD Global offers uniquely designed 2-part mixing pump to accurately mix and dispense two-part components while eliminating entrapped air.
Industry News | 2015-04-09 11:48:43.0
Technical Devices Company supplies Europe with its first Nu/Clean Flood Box Inline Cleaner
Lyra Reflow Oven is a soft soldering that realizes the mechanical and electrical connection between the solder ends of surface mount components or the pins and the printed board pads by remelting the solder paste pre-distributed on the printed board
A Sustainable Alternative - Humitector cards are halogen-free and cobalt dichloride free. Visit https://www.clariant.com/solutions/products/2017/10/31/00/12/humitector-type-2-nonreversible-humidity-indicator-card?utm_source=CLRYouTube&utm_medium=Vi
Events Calendar | Wed Apr 21 00:00:00 EDT 2021 - Wed Apr 21 00:00:00 EDT 2021 | ,
Oregon Chapter Tutorial: How Clean is Clean and How Do You Know for Sure?
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/ipcjstd001-gull-wing-leads-and-solder-joints_topic2587_post10535.html
: Wetting is evident The F dimension for Heel Fillet for Class 2 Fabrication is: (G) + 50% (T) The F dimension for Heel Fillet for Class 3 Fabrication is: (G) + (T
Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/leadfree.pdf
. May require more aggressive Flux and/or No lead HASL finish • Drop in process for existing reflow equipment • Nitrogen cover gas will enhance wetting and appearance, but is not essential for adequate results