Lead-Free Desktop Reflow Oven with tempereture cure T200N+ Lead-Free Desktop Reflow Oven with tempereture cure T200N+ Product Description Product Description: T200N+=nitrogen lead free reflow oven T200N+temperature tester T200N+ is not o
New Equipment | Soldering - Other
Sunny Company:Beijing Chengliankaida Technology Co.,Ltd Address : SanCang Road Sanjianfang airport ,Tongzhou district , Beijing China Email: salemachines@bjclkdkj.cn Skype :smdsupplier Whatsapp: +86 159 01434496 Wechat: + 86 159 0143 4496
PLS 880C has a synchronal feeding system. Synchronal chain with claws design, no noise, smooth conveying. Control system: Industry computer with signal processing by hearing is reliable and stable. Far IR preheating system to prevent the temperature
New Equipment | Soldering - Other
Sunny Company:Beijing Chengliankaida Technology Co.,Ltd Address : SanCang Road Sanjianfang airport ,Tongzhou district , Beijing China Email: salemachines@bjclkdkj.cn Skype :smdsupplier Whatsapp: +86 159 01434496 Wechat: + 86 159 0143 4496
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Eureka Dry Tech XDC-501 Fast Super Dryer Ultra Low Humidity Dry Cabinet Specs: http://www.eurekadrytech.com/fast-super-dryer/xdc-500 Capacity: 372 Liters Humidity Range: LESS THAN 5% Recovery Time: Recovers to ≤ 5% RH within 30 minutes after acces
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Dr. Storage offers the most diverse selection of Dry Cabinets in the industry. The latest Dr. Storage cabinets include cabinets drying at 1% RH, drying at less than 1% RH and baking at 60°C. Cabinets are plug and play so they are up and running easil
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