YAMAHA CL84 Feeder Yamaha FEEDER CL8X4 with extesion reel holder P/N: KW1-M1200-00X, P/N: KW1-M1100-000, NEW The depth of groove for the material is 2.5mm. 4mm Pitch (Sprocket), Tape guide 8X4 (0603,0805) Sales: Becky Su MP:86-15323874439 Email:
sprocket 8x4 1048830-0001
samsung feeder sprocket assy j7000794,j2500084
samsung feeder sprocket assy j7000794,j2500084
samsung 8mm feeder sprocket assy,j7000773
sprocket assy,16,24mm j2500266,j7000795,j7000796
sprocket assy k87-m1120-10x
wheel asm (sprocket) e1102-706-0a0
sprocket assy,630 126 4851
sprocket assy,630 126 4820