Electronics Forum: 0.4mm stencil (Page 1 of 6)

0.4mm PCB Thickness - production issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 20:04:37 EDT 2006 | mika

Hi, We have a customer that want us to produce a single sided 0.4 x 100 x 50 mm size RoHS pcba approx 1000 of them. The board only contains three 2.54mm pitch Non P.I.P, SMT-connectors. We have never produced such a thin pcb:s before. We are thinkin

stencil cleanin

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 17:47:10 EDT 2005 | jhagve

hi We start to make a product which have a 0.4 mm pitch IC and start having problems with not enough solder printed, to solve this problem we had to increase the manual cleaning, now we are cleaning the stencil every 8 printings, before we was runnin

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 10:49:14 EDT 2005 | jhagve

HI We start to make a product which have a 0.4 mm pitch IC and start having problems with not enough solder printed, to solve this problem we had to increase the manual cleaning, now we are cleaning the stencil every 8 printings, before we was runnin

stencil apertures for BGA

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 06:22:04 EDT 2008 | andrzej

Hi Andrzej, > > We are using for BGA (0.8 pitch) > square apertures size 0.4 mm (rounded corners r = > t) and stencil thickness t=5 mils. So area > ration-_ w/4t=0.8 > > Regards Jan Hello Jan, I understand that you have the same pad dimensio

0.4 mm Pitch BGA stencil design

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 10:29:13 EDT 2010 | scottp

I've searched the archives and maybe my search skills aren't up to snuff but I couldn't find much. I'm curious what people are doing for 0.4 mm pitch BGAs, assuming a type 4 paste. Pad diameter? SMD or NSMD? Stencil thickness? Aperture diameter? Us

Re: Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 19:04:13 EST 2000 | Jackie Hsieh

First I'm a Taiwanese people so excuse my bad english writing. On my experience, The process of double side SMT procedure with two methods ---First one is appling the glue on the solder side, and placeing the R,C,L chips components on it.and 2nd one

VSSOP 0.4 mm Pitch pad design & Stencil aperture

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 21:17:41 EST 2006 | davef

Use the IPC calculator [free at http://www.ipc.org]

Stencil Design for BGA with 0.2 mm Diameter Pad and 0.4 mm pitch

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 12 00:49:37 EST 2019 | myke03o

I am optimizing a stencil opening for BGA with 0.4mm pitch and pad diameter of 0.2mm. Can anyone advice of stencil thickness and stencil opening I can use in order to have a good paste release. Thanks for all your answers.

Anyone using DEK VectorGuard stencils?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 01:07:18 EDT 2007 | pavel_murtishev

Good morning, Worth system for 0.5mm or more pitch paste printing. For less pitch (uBGA, 0.4mm etc) framed stencil are preferred due to better tensioning. Main issue with them is handling. Stencil apertures that are used for tensioning might be easi

PQFP with pitch of 0.4 mm

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 15:30:17 EST 2001 | dason_c

Please check what is the actual pitch size. I found some of the designer use 15.7 mil pitch and no accumulate ie 15.7, 15.7 and 15.8...... Also, I recommended the pad width should be 10 - 11 mil for 0.4mm pitch. You can open the 10 - 10.5 mil aper

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