Electronics Forum: 0603 (Page 1 of 75)

0603 marking

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 11:10:43 EST 2000 | Gary Kemp

Is the same marking protocol used when identifying 0603, 0402, etc.. components? For instance, would a 27.4K ohm 1% resistor still have four (4) characters to identify if the body color is black? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

0603 Tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 16:38:41 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

I have experienced tombstone with one brand of 0603 capacitor. Swapping in another brand (actually two different brands to date) has stopped the tombstone. I have measured the parts (length, width and height). There does not appear to be any apprecia

0603 Tombstoning

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 16:38:41 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

I have experienced tombstone with one brand of 0603 capacitor. Swapping in another brand (actually two different brands to date) has stopped the tombstone. I have measured the parts (length, width and height). There does not appear to be any apprecia

0603 Components

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 09 10:19:36 EDT 2000 | Adam

Guys A very concerned engineer. Just been called over look at some PCB's in our diag area for missing components(0603).Too my shock I have just found that these components can be picked off just using a finger and applying some pressure. And apparen

Billboarding 0603 resistors

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 04:08:50 EST 2002 | wbu

Never heard of billboarding. Could you please explain what that means according to 0603�s. Headshaking Wolfgang

Re: 0603 marking

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 22:35:29 EST 2000 | Bob

Most 0603 parts have three digits (Ex: 10K would be 103). Many parts will have no markings. All the 0603 parts we use are 1%.

Re: Wave Soldering 0603

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 15:16:48 EST 1999 | Christopher Cross

We had the same concern and decided to use 0603 components on the bottom of the board only if we reflowed both sides of the board.

0603 component drift

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 19:07:39 EST 1999 | Gary Kemp

We are having a continuing problem with 0603 chip capacitors not centering themselves on the pads during the reflow process, causing an open condition at one end. Does anyone know what can be done to alleviate this? Thanks much. Gary

0603 Solder Beads

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 10:16:42 EST 1999 | Mark Anderson

I am interested in getting some feedback on what different companies are doing to eliminate the solder beading issues on 0603, 0402 chip components using a no-clean process. We are currently incorporating a solder mask removal between the solder lan

Billboarding 0603 resistors

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 12:40:37 EST 2002 | MarkQ

I have some billboarding 0603's and I'm trying to find potential causes. Small boards 2"X 3". .060"thk Hasl surface.

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