Electronics Forum: 1.2 (Page 1 of 66)

Component classification - What is Class 1,2,3?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 11:10:23 EDT 2009 | leemeyer

Are you refering to components or assemblies. Assemblies are classified as 1,2 or 3 per IPC-A-610. Components are classified 1 - 6 for moisture sensitivity per J-STD-020

GSM1/2 PWC adjustment

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 16:29:54 EDT 2010 | dilogic

I am trying to locate procedure for PWC calibration/adjustment on GSM1/2 machines (after moving feeder plate), but can't find it in the manuals. I would appreciate if somebody can give me a hint... - Deni

Isolating QFN Ground

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 15 15:28:33 EDT 2013 | anvil1021

I agree that it would be easier to cut the trace or traces, but the issue is that there is a 1.2v line that is tied to that specific ground (design issue) and if we cut it then the 1.2v wont be available to the several hundred traces that are involve


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 02:17:37 EDT 2010 | tennythomas

I heard that one can create the stacked/staggered microvias in the layers 1-2 & 2-3 and skip microvia in the layer 1-3 of 6 layer stack up, when the prepreg is between layers 1 & 2 and the other prepreg is between the layers 2 & 3. I want to know w

Component classification - What is Class 1,2,3?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 03:33:19 EDT 2009 | kevyeoh

May i know how do we differentiate between Class 1, 2 and 3 components? What are the key differences between those three classes? When i check at IPC document, it is stated that Class 1: General Electric Class 2: Dedicated Service Electronic prod

CCGA and overprinting?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 15 12:42:36 EDT 2001 | davef

I hate getting "roped" into math stuff, but here I go again ... Area of aperture = volume of paste / stencil thickness = {[5000 mil^3] / 5 mil} = 1000 mil^2 Side of the square aperture = Sqrt of the area = [1000 mil^2]^1/2 = 32 mil Diameter of ape

0603 & Siemens SP120

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 12:12:16 EDT 2002 | stefwitt

With all "tricks" applied, expect failure rate of 1-2%. HS failure rate is somewhat lower.

cracked capacitors at SMT 1&2

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 15:52:29 EDT 2004 | davef

We agree with Rob. It sounds like someone is trying to pound your caps through the board.

cracked capacitors at SMT 1&2

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 08:58:49 EDT 2004 | M.Enright

We are finding cracked capacitors at both first pass and second pass.

smt sizes

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 09:10:46 EST 2005 | russ

That would be a 2012 (2.0mm x 1.2mm) in accordance with standardized naming convention.

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