Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 05 09:19:50 EDT 2000 | JAX
Felix, 1-5: A step stencil is simply a stencil with area's of different thickness( step down's ). They are used for multi-package boards( BGA, fine-pitch, ..... ). They keep you from deciding whether or not you want the fine-pitch or the BGA devices
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 12:30:58 EST 2005 | Kokofiko
Hello, 1. I have DC engine of car's wishers with I use in at my project. the Engine specification is 12V DC 1.5A. The input voltage is constat of 12V. The problem with adding resistor ( in order to pull down the current)in the circuit is that resist
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 12:41:12 EDT 2010 | CL
Nicolas, and mention the requirements for drying an MSD to resett the clock life. states that once a component is dried, refer to 5.3 for safe storage. Under that specification is DRY Cabinet at 5% RH- This states tha
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