Electronics Forum: 1550 (Page 1 of 1)

Component Clip Art

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 10:29:46 EDT 2001 | davef

First the obligatory, I apologize for straying close to the edge of commercialism, but this seems to be too good a deal and IMHO is worth posting. I stand ready for the slings and arrows [what ever that means], erzit gettin' flamed that's the net eq

Resonator Cracking

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 21:42:51 EST 2007 | jwsmt

I'll e-mail pics to you. Answers to asumptions: * Flex in end-item use was measured at 410 microstrain * Supplier PPM last 12 mos less than 1 * Part goes through 2 reflow cycles; once on top and once on bottom * ICT microstrain was 1365; reduced to

Best practice for stencil cleanning

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:58:40 EDT 2010 | daxman

I've worked at several companies that have used Smart Sonic ultrasonic cleaners. About a year ago, we purchased the Smart Sonic 1550 and Enviroguard. The Enviroguard produces DI water for rinsing and also handles the solder waste. Also, Smart Sonic h

Re: Mil-P-28809

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 15:06:39 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Thank you all for your replies. I guess my age in this industry is showing. This military spec. does not appear to be in existance. So, let me make my request a little more to the point: | | | | Is anyone aware of a specification specifically


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